Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.

Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.
n. 3. 
EDWIN, the comedian, iv. 381, n. 1. 
EEL, iii. 381. 
EGLINTOUNE, Alexander, tenth Earl of,
  calls Johnson a dancing-bear, ii. 66;
  his character, v. 374;
  death, iii. 188. 
EGLINTOUNE, Archibald, eleventh Earl of, iii. 107, 214, 316; v. 149. 
EGLINTOUNE, Countess of,
  Johnson visits her, v. 373-5;
    is adopted by her, iii. 366; v, 375, 401.
Epilogues, i. 277. 
EGMONT, second Earl of, iv. 198, n. 3; v. 449, n. 1. 
EGOTISM, iv. 323. 
EGOTISTS, iii. 171. 
EGYPT, iii. 233. 
EGYPTIANS, ancient, iv. 125.
Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, ii. 408, n. 3. 
ELD, Mr., iii. 326. 
ELDON, Earl of.  See SCOTT, John. 
ELECTION, General, of 1768, ii. 60, n. 2;
  of 1774, ii. 285;
  of 1780, iii. 440;
  of 1784, iv. 165, n. 3. 
  boroughs bought, ii. 153;
    by Nabobs, v. 106;
  lost by vice, iii. 350;
  rascals to be driven out of the county, ii. 167, 340.
Elegy in a Country Churchyard.  See GRAY.
Elements of Criticism.  See KAMES.
Elements of Orthoepy, iv. 389, n. 6.
Elfrida, ii. 335. 
ELGIN, Earls of, v. 25, n. 2. 
ELIBANK, Patrick, fifth Lord, account of him, v. 386;
  Boswell, correspondence with, v. 14, 16, 181, 316;
  death, v. 181, n. 2;
  epitaph on his wife, iv. 10;
  Home, patronises, v. 386;
  Johnson’s definition of oats, i. 294, n. 8;
    and the great, iv. 117;
    letter to him, v. 182
    meets him in Edinburgh, v. 385-8, 393-4;
    visits him, v. 394;
    power of arguing, iii. 24;
    praises him, iii. 24; v. 182, 385;
    society, loves, v. 181-2;
  Robertson, patronises, v. 386;
    admires the moderation of, v. 393;
  talk, nothing conclusive in his, iii. 57;
  mentioned, ii. 140, 147, 187, 192, 275; v. 307. 
ELIOT, Edward, of Port Eliot, first Lord Eliot, Chesterfield, Lord,
  praised by, iv. 334, n. 5;
  dines at Sir Joshua’s, iv. 78, 332;
  Goldsmith, sarcasm on, ii. 265, n. 4;
  Harte, Dr., his tutor, iv. 78, 333;
  Johnson and the graces, iii. 54;
  Literary Club, member of the, i. 479; iv. 326;
  latiner, story of a, iv. 185, n. 1;
  young Lord, a, iv. 334. 
ELIZA, epigram to.  See MRS. CARTER. 
ELIZABETH, Madame, ii. 394. 
ELIZABETH, Queen, authors of her age, iii. 194, n. 2;
  fashion to exalt her reign, i. 354;
  had learning enough for a bishop, iv. 13. 
ELLENBOROUGH, first Lord, iv. 414, n. 1. 
ELLIOCK, Lord, iii. 213. 
ELLIOT, Sir Gilbert, third Baronet, ii. 160. 
ELLIOT, Sir Gilbert,
  fourth Baronet (afterwards first Earl of Minto), ii. 71, n. 1. 
ELLIOT, Mr., i. 349. 
ELLIOT,—­, iii. 352, n. 2. 
ELLIS, Sir Henry, i. 260, n. 2; v. 444, n. 2. 
ELLIS, ‘Jack,’ a scrivener, iii. 21. 
ELLIS, Welbore, ii. 337; n. 4. 
ELLIS, Mr., ii. 116. 
Project Gutenberg
Life of Johnson, Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.