Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.

Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.
  colleges and kings, lines on, ii. 223;
  Conquest of Granada, quoted, iv. 259, n. 3;
    dedication, its, v. 239;
  converted to Roman Catholicism, iv. 44;
  dedications, studied conclusions to his, v. 239;
  ‘delighted to tread upon the brink of meaning,’ ii. 241, n. l;
  Life of, Derrick’s ‘materials’; SEE DERRICK;
  dignity of his character, known to himself, i. 264, n. 1;
  Essay of Dramatick Poesie, i. 197, n. 2; ii. 86, n. 1;
  ‘Fate after him,’ &c., iv. 25, n. 3;
  ‘familiar day,’ his, iv. 91, n. 1;
  foreign words, on, i. 218, n. 1;
  genius, his conscious, iii. 405, n. 3;
  Hailes, Lord, anecdotes of him by, iii. 397, n. 3;
  Hind and Panther, quoted, iv. 44;
  Indian Emperour, quoted, iii. 346, n. 3;
  Johnson gathered materials for his Life, i. 456; iii. 71; iv. 44; v.
    240; writes it, iv. 44-6;
  Johnson, resemblance in his character to, iv. 45;
  judgment of the public, on the, i. 200, n. 2;
  Juvenal, dedication to his, iv. 38;
  Latin line wrongly attributed to him, iii. 304, n. 3;
  Life not written by contemporaries, v. 415, n. 2;
  lines on life:  SEE just above, Aurengzebe;
  love, fine lines on, ii. 85;
  Malone, Life by, iii. 397, n. 3;
  ‘mechanical defects,’ on, iv. 247;
  Metaphysical Poets, mentions the, iv. 38;
  Milton, lines on, ii. 336; v. 86;
    Johnson’s translation, ib., n. 1;
  Ode on St. Cecilia’s Day, iii. 38;
  paid about sixpence a verse for 10,000 verses, i. 193, n. 1;
  pleasing a man against his will, on, iii. 69, n. 4;
  poets and monarchs, lines on, ii. 223;
  Pope, distinguished from, ii. 5, 85;
  predestination, puzzled about, iii. 347;
  prefaces, his, ii. 444, n. 1; iv. 114, n. 1;
  Prologue to the Tempest, quoted, i. 361;
  prologues, his, ii. 325;
  rhyming tragedies, iv. 42, n. 7;
  Rival Ladies, quoted, iii. 296, n. 1;
  Royal Society, lines on the, ii. 241;
  Settle, Elkanah, rivalry with, iii. 76;
  Shakespeare, admiration of, ii. 86, n. 1;
  She Stoops to Conquer, its title taken from him, ii. 205. n. 4;
  ‘shorn of his beams,’ iii. 363, n. 1;
  style, distinguished by his, iii. 280;
  traded in corruption, i. 189, n. 1;
  Virgil, translation of, iii. 193;
  Will’s Coffee-house, at, iii. 71;
  Zimri, character of, ii. 85. 
  Du Bos, ii. 90. 
DUCK, epitaph on a, i. 40. 
DUCKET, George, i. 294, n. 9. 
DUCKING-STOOL, iii. 287. 
DUDLEY, Lord, v. 457. 
DUDLEY, Sir Henry, (alias Rev. Henry Bate), iv. 296, n. 3. 
DUEL, trial by, v. 24. 
  defended by Johnson and Oglethorpe, ii. 179;
    by Johnson as being as lawful as war, ii. 226;
      as self-defence, iv. 211;
    his serious opinion not given, ib., n. 4;
  could not explain its rationality, v.
Project Gutenberg
Life of Johnson, Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.