Johnson’s praise of him, iii. 267;
the opposite of him, i. 506;
Robinson Crusoe, iii. 268.
Deformities of Johnson, iv. 148-9.
DEGENERACY OF MANKIND, ii. 217, v. 77.
DE GROOT, Isaac, iii. 125.
DEIST, no honest man one, ii. 8.
DELANY, Dr., Observations on Swift, iii. 249; iv. 39; v. 238.
DELAP, Rev. Dr., i. 521.
DELAY, danger of, i. 324.
Dementat, iv. 181, n. 3.
DEMOCRITUS, iv. 105, n. 4.
DEMONAX, iv. 34.
DE MORGAN, Professor, i. 284, n. 3.
DEMOSTHENES, Johnson compared with him, i. 504;
spoke to barbarians, ii. 171;
to brutes, ii. 211;
mentioned, iii. 351; v. 214.
DEMPSTER, George, account of him, i. 408, n. 4;
argues for merit, i. 440-2;
Boswell, letter to, v. 407;
Boswell’s eulogium on him, v. 409, n. 3;
Critical Strictures, i. 409;
Johnson’s conversation, struck with, i. 434;
dines with, ii. 195;
Journey, praises, ii. 303; iii. 301;
sister, his, iii. 242; iv. 284;
unfixed in his principles, i. 443;
virtuous and candid, ii. 305.
DENBIGH, Earls of, ii. 175, n. 2.
DENHALL IN WIRHALL, v. 445, n. 3.
DENHAM, Sir John, iv. 38, n. 1.
DENMAN, first Lord, ii. 408, n. 3.
DENMARK, King of, v. 100.
DENMARK, Queen of, ii. 253, n. 2.
criticisms on Blackmore and Cato, iv. 36, n. 4;
on Cato, iii. 40, n. 2;
on Shakespeare, i. 498, n. 4;
Critical Works worth collecting, iii. 40;
his thunder, iii. 40, n. 2.
DENTON, Judge, ii. 164, n. 5.
Depeditation, v. 130.
DEPOPULATION, ii. 217, n. 5.
DE QUINCEY, account of Bishop Watson, iv. 119, n. 1;
criticises Johnson’s Vanity, &c., i. 193, n. 3;
praises his Latin, i. 272, n. 3.
Derange, iii. 319, n. 1.
DERBY, account of it in 1741, i. 86, n. 2;
Highlanders there in 1745, iii. 162; v. 196, n. 3;
Johnson and Boswell visit it in 1777, iii. 160;
see the china-manufactory, iii. 163;
silk-mill, iii. 164; v. 432;
Johnson married there, i. 95, n. 2, 96;
mentioned, iii. 1, 135, n. 1; iv. 359.
DERBY, fifteenth Earl of, v. 354, n. 1.
DERBY, Rev. Mr., iii. 113.
DERBYSHIRE, ii. 474.
DERRICK, Samuel,
Boswell’s ‘first tutor,’ i. 456;
his ‘governor,’ iii. 371;
introduced him to Davies, iv. 231, n. 1;
Dryden’s Miscellaneous Works, edits, i. 456, n. 3;
Home’s parody on him, i. 456;
Humphry Clinker, described in, i. 124, n. 2;
Johnson’s kindness for him, i. 385; v. 117, 240;
projected Life of Dryden, gathers materials for, i. 456; v. 240;
lines on, i. 124;
‘King of Bath,’ i. 394, n. 2, 455;
Letters from Leverpoole, i. 456, n. 1; v. 117;
outrunning his character, i. 394;
presence of mind, i. 457;
the opposite of him, i. 506;
Robinson Crusoe, iii. 268.
Deformities of Johnson, iv. 148-9.
DEGENERACY OF MANKIND, ii. 217, v. 77.
DE GROOT, Isaac, iii. 125.
DEIST, no honest man one, ii. 8.
DELANY, Dr., Observations on Swift, iii. 249; iv. 39; v. 238.
DELAP, Rev. Dr., i. 521.
DELAY, danger of, i. 324.
Dementat, iv. 181, n. 3.
DEMOCRITUS, iv. 105, n. 4.
DEMONAX, iv. 34.
DE MORGAN, Professor, i. 284, n. 3.
DEMOSTHENES, Johnson compared with him, i. 504;
spoke to barbarians, ii. 171;
to brutes, ii. 211;
mentioned, iii. 351; v. 214.
DEMPSTER, George, account of him, i. 408, n. 4;
argues for merit, i. 440-2;
Boswell, letter to, v. 407;
Boswell’s eulogium on him, v. 409, n. 3;
Critical Strictures, i. 409;
Johnson’s conversation, struck with, i. 434;
dines with, ii. 195;
Journey, praises, ii. 303; iii. 301;
sister, his, iii. 242; iv. 284;
unfixed in his principles, i. 443;
virtuous and candid, ii. 305.
DENBIGH, Earls of, ii. 175, n. 2.
DENHALL IN WIRHALL, v. 445, n. 3.
DENHAM, Sir John, iv. 38, n. 1.
DENMAN, first Lord, ii. 408, n. 3.
DENMARK, King of, v. 100.
DENMARK, Queen of, ii. 253, n. 2.
criticisms on Blackmore and Cato, iv. 36, n. 4;
on Cato, iii. 40, n. 2;
on Shakespeare, i. 498, n. 4;
Critical Works worth collecting, iii. 40;
his thunder, iii. 40, n. 2.
DENTON, Judge, ii. 164, n. 5.
Depeditation, v. 130.
DEPOPULATION, ii. 217, n. 5.
DE QUINCEY, account of Bishop Watson, iv. 119, n. 1;
criticises Johnson’s Vanity, &c., i. 193, n. 3;
praises his Latin, i. 272, n. 3.
Derange, iii. 319, n. 1.
DERBY, account of it in 1741, i. 86, n. 2;
Highlanders there in 1745, iii. 162; v. 196, n. 3;
Johnson and Boswell visit it in 1777, iii. 160;
see the china-manufactory, iii. 163;
silk-mill, iii. 164; v. 432;
Johnson married there, i. 95, n. 2, 96;
mentioned, iii. 1, 135, n. 1; iv. 359.
DERBY, fifteenth Earl of, v. 354, n. 1.
DERBY, Rev. Mr., iii. 113.
DERBYSHIRE, ii. 474.
DERRICK, Samuel,
Boswell’s ‘first tutor,’ i. 456;
his ‘governor,’ iii. 371;
introduced him to Davies, iv. 231, n. 1;
Dryden’s Miscellaneous Works, edits, i. 456, n. 3;
Home’s parody on him, i. 456;
Humphry Clinker, described in, i. 124, n. 2;
Johnson’s kindness for him, i. 385; v. 117, 240;
projected Life of Dryden, gathers materials for, i. 456; v. 240;
lines on, i. 124;
‘King of Bath,’ i. 394, n. 2, 455;
Letters from Leverpoole, i. 456, n. 1; v. 117;
outrunning his character, i. 394;
presence of mind, i. 457;