COXETER,—, the younger, iii. 158, iv. n.
COXHEATH CAMP, iii. 365, 374.
CRABBE, Rev. George,
Johnson revises The Village, iv. 121, n. 4, 175.
CRADOCK, Joseph, account of him, iii. 38;
Garrick at the Literary Club, iii. 311, n. 3;
Goldsmith and Gray, i. 404, n. 1;
Hermes and Tristram Shandy ii, 225, n. 2;
Johnson at a tavern dinner, i. 470, n. 2;
compliment to Goldsmith, iii. 82, n. 3;
parody of Percy, ii. 136, n. 4;
words should be written in a book, iii, 39;
Percey’s character, iii. 276, n. 2;
Shakespeare Jubilee, ii. 68, n. 2;
Warburton’s reading, ii. 36, n. 2.
CRAGGS, James, Pope’s epitaph on him, iv. 444;
mentioned with his son, i. 160.
CRAIG, ——, the architect, James Thomson’s nephew, iii. 360; v. 68.
CRANMER, Archbishop, ii, 364, n. 1.
CRANMER, George, ii, 364, n. 3.
CRANSTON, David, v. 406.
CRASHAW, Richard, iii. 304, n. 3.
CRAVEN, Lord, i. 337, n. 1.
CRAVEN, Lady, iii. 22.
Creation, Blackmore’s, ii. 108.
CREATOR, compared with the creature, iv. 30-1.
CREDULITY, general, v. 389
CREEDS, v. 120.
CRICHTON, Robert, Lord Sanquhar, v. 103, n. 3.
CRISP, Samuel, iv. 239, n. 3.
Critical Review,
account of it, owned by Hamilton, ii. 226, n. 3;
edited by Smollett, iii. 32, n. 2;
Critical Strictures reviewed, i. 409, n. 1;
Griffiths and the Monthly, attack on, iii. 32, n. 2;
Johnson reviews Graham’s Telemachus, i. 411;
and The Sugar Cane, i. 481, n. 4;
description of a valley
praised, v. 141, n. 2;
Lyttelton’s gratitude for a review, iv. 57;
Murphy attacked, i. 355;
payment to writers, iv. 214, n. 2;
principles good, ii. 40; iii. 32;
Rutty’s Diary reviewed, iii. 170;
reviewers write from their own mind, iii. 32.
CRITICISM, examples of true, ii. 90;
justified, i. 409;
negative, v. 322.
CRITICS, authors very rarely hurt by them, iii. 423.
CROFT, Rev. Herbert, advice to a pupil, iv. 308;
Family Discourses, iv. 298;
Life of Young, his, adopted by Johnson, iv. 58;
described by Burke, iv. 59;
quoted, i. 373, n. 2.
CROKER, Rt. Hon. John Wilson. (In this Index I give reference only to
the passages in which I differ from him.)
Bentley’s verses, change in one of, iv. 23. n. 3;
Boswell’s account of Johnson’s death, iv. 399, n. 1;
Boswell’s ‘injustice’ to Hawkins, iv. 138, n. 2;
Burke’s praise of Johnson’s Journey, iii. 137, n. 3;
Campbell, Dr. T., mistake about, ii. 343, n. 2;
‘a celebrated friend,’ iii. 409, n. 6;
Chesterfield’s present to Johnson, i. 261, n.,3;
Edinburgh Review and his ‘blunders,’ ii. 338, n. 2;
emendations of the text, i. 16; iii. 426,
COXHEATH CAMP, iii. 365, 374.
CRABBE, Rev. George,
Johnson revises The Village, iv. 121, n. 4, 175.
CRADOCK, Joseph, account of him, iii. 38;
Garrick at the Literary Club, iii. 311, n. 3;
Goldsmith and Gray, i. 404, n. 1;
Hermes and Tristram Shandy ii, 225, n. 2;
Johnson at a tavern dinner, i. 470, n. 2;
compliment to Goldsmith, iii. 82, n. 3;
parody of Percy, ii. 136, n. 4;
words should be written in a book, iii, 39;
Percey’s character, iii. 276, n. 2;
Shakespeare Jubilee, ii. 68, n. 2;
Warburton’s reading, ii. 36, n. 2.
CRAGGS, James, Pope’s epitaph on him, iv. 444;
mentioned with his son, i. 160.
CRAIG, ——, the architect, James Thomson’s nephew, iii. 360; v. 68.
CRANMER, Archbishop, ii, 364, n. 1.
CRANMER, George, ii, 364, n. 3.
CRANSTON, David, v. 406.
CRASHAW, Richard, iii. 304, n. 3.
CRAVEN, Lord, i. 337, n. 1.
CRAVEN, Lady, iii. 22.
Creation, Blackmore’s, ii. 108.
CREATOR, compared with the creature, iv. 30-1.
CREDULITY, general, v. 389
CREEDS, v. 120.
CRICHTON, Robert, Lord Sanquhar, v. 103, n. 3.
CRISP, Samuel, iv. 239, n. 3.
Critical Review,
account of it, owned by Hamilton, ii. 226, n. 3;
edited by Smollett, iii. 32, n. 2;
Critical Strictures reviewed, i. 409, n. 1;
Griffiths and the Monthly, attack on, iii. 32, n. 2;
Johnson reviews Graham’s Telemachus, i. 411;
and The Sugar Cane, i. 481, n. 4;
description of a valley
praised, v. 141, n. 2;
Lyttelton’s gratitude for a review, iv. 57;
Murphy attacked, i. 355;
payment to writers, iv. 214, n. 2;
principles good, ii. 40; iii. 32;
Rutty’s Diary reviewed, iii. 170;
reviewers write from their own mind, iii. 32.
CRITICISM, examples of true, ii. 90;
justified, i. 409;
negative, v. 322.
CRITICS, authors very rarely hurt by them, iii. 423.
CROFT, Rev. Herbert, advice to a pupil, iv. 308;
Family Discourses, iv. 298;
Life of Young, his, adopted by Johnson, iv. 58;
described by Burke, iv. 59;
quoted, i. 373, n. 2.
CROKER, Rt. Hon. John Wilson. (In this Index I give reference only to
the passages in which I differ from him.)
Bentley’s verses, change in one of, iv. 23. n. 3;
Boswell’s account of Johnson’s death, iv. 399, n. 1;
Boswell’s ‘injustice’ to Hawkins, iv. 138, n. 2;
Burke’s praise of Johnson’s Journey, iii. 137, n. 3;
Campbell, Dr. T., mistake about, ii. 343, n. 2;
‘a celebrated friend,’ iii. 409, n. 6;
Chesterfield’s present to Johnson, i. 261, n.,3;
Edinburgh Review and his ‘blunders,’ ii. 338, n. 2;
emendations of the text, i. 16; iii. 426,