Hardyknute, ii. 91, n. 2;
James’s Court, v. 22, n. 2;
Kames, Lord, ii. 200, n. 1;
Macdonald’s, Flora, virulence, v. 185, n. 4;
Monboddo, Lord, ii. 74, n. 1.
CHAMBERS, Sir William,
Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, iv. 60, n. 7; v. 186;
ridiculed in The Heroic Epistle, ib.;
Johnson writes an introduction to his Chinese Architecture_, iv. 188;
Somerset House, architect of, iv. 187, n. 4;
Treatise on Civil Architecture, iv. 187, n. 4.
CHAMIER, Andrew, account of him, i. 478;
Goldsmith, his estimate of, iii. 252-3;
Johnson consults him in Dodd’s case, iii. 121;
gets his interest for Mr. Welch, iii. 217;
visits him, iii. 398, n. 1;
professor in the imaginary college, v. 109;
signs the Round-Robin, iii. 83.
CHAMPION, Sir G., iii. 459.
Champion, The, i. 169.
CHANCELLORS, Lord High, how chosen, ii. 157.
CHANCES, iv. 330.
Chances, The, ii. 233, n. 4.
CHANDLER, Dr., ii. 445, n. 1.
CHANGE, silver, iv. 191.
CHANTILLY, ii. 400.
CHAPEL-HOUSE, ii. 451.
CHAPLAINS, ii. 96.
CHAPONE, Mrs., account of her, iv. 246, n. 6;
Correspondence, her, i. 203, n. 4;
Johnson, letter from, iv. 247;
his meeting with the Abbe Raynal, iv. 434;
his views on natural depravity, v. 211, n. 3;
Rambler, contributes to the, i. 203;
Williams, Mrs., account of, i. 232, n. 1.
CHARACTER, a most complete one, ii. 402;
argument, its weight in an, ii. 443; v. 29, n. 5;
delineation in the Anabasis, iv. 31;
expectation of uniformity, iii. 282, n. 2;
Johnson saw a great variety, iii. 20;
his sketches of them, ib.;
men not bound to reveal their children’s character, iii. 18;
not to be tried by one particular, iii. 238;
must not be lessened, v. 247;
nature and manners, ii. 48;
as to this world not hurt by vice, iii. 342, 349.
CHARADE, a, iv. 195.
CHARLEMONT, first Earl of,
Beauclerk’s character, draws, i. 249, n. 1;
letters to him, ii. 192;
Hume’s French, i. 439, n. 2;
Hume and Mrs. Mallet, ii. 8, n. 4;
Literary Club, member of the, i. 479;
Johnson and Vestris, iv. 79;
professor in the imaginary college, v. 108;
story of the Pyramids, iii. 352, 449, 458;
mentioned, ii. 235, 274, n. 3; iv. 78.
anniversary of his death, ii. 152, n. 1;
kept by Boswell with old port and solemn talk, iii. 371;
birth-place, v. 399;
concessions to parliament, v. 340;
corn, price of, in his reign, iii. 232, n. 1;
Johnson and Lord Auchinleck dispute about him, v. 382, n. 2;
‘murder,’ his, unpopular, ii. 370;
political principles in his time, ii. 369;
saying about lawyers, ii. 214;
James’s Court, v. 22, n. 2;
Kames, Lord, ii. 200, n. 1;
Macdonald’s, Flora, virulence, v. 185, n. 4;
Monboddo, Lord, ii. 74, n. 1.
CHAMBERS, Sir William,
Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, iv. 60, n. 7; v. 186;
ridiculed in The Heroic Epistle, ib.;
Johnson writes an introduction to his Chinese Architecture_, iv. 188;
Somerset House, architect of, iv. 187, n. 4;
Treatise on Civil Architecture, iv. 187, n. 4.
CHAMIER, Andrew, account of him, i. 478;
Goldsmith, his estimate of, iii. 252-3;
Johnson consults him in Dodd’s case, iii. 121;
gets his interest for Mr. Welch, iii. 217;
visits him, iii. 398, n. 1;
professor in the imaginary college, v. 109;
signs the Round-Robin, iii. 83.
CHAMPION, Sir G., iii. 459.
Champion, The, i. 169.
CHANCELLORS, Lord High, how chosen, ii. 157.
CHANCES, iv. 330.
Chances, The, ii. 233, n. 4.
CHANDLER, Dr., ii. 445, n. 1.
CHANGE, silver, iv. 191.
CHANTILLY, ii. 400.
CHAPEL-HOUSE, ii. 451.
CHAPLAINS, ii. 96.
CHAPONE, Mrs., account of her, iv. 246, n. 6;
Correspondence, her, i. 203, n. 4;
Johnson, letter from, iv. 247;
his meeting with the Abbe Raynal, iv. 434;
his views on natural depravity, v. 211, n. 3;
Rambler, contributes to the, i. 203;
Williams, Mrs., account of, i. 232, n. 1.
CHARACTER, a most complete one, ii. 402;
argument, its weight in an, ii. 443; v. 29, n. 5;
delineation in the Anabasis, iv. 31;
expectation of uniformity, iii. 282, n. 2;
Johnson saw a great variety, iii. 20;
his sketches of them, ib.;
men not bound to reveal their children’s character, iii. 18;
not to be tried by one particular, iii. 238;
must not be lessened, v. 247;
nature and manners, ii. 48;
as to this world not hurt by vice, iii. 342, 349.
CHARADE, a, iv. 195.
CHARLEMONT, first Earl of,
Beauclerk’s character, draws, i. 249, n. 1;
letters to him, ii. 192;
Hume’s French, i. 439, n. 2;
Hume and Mrs. Mallet, ii. 8, n. 4;
Literary Club, member of the, i. 479;
Johnson and Vestris, iv. 79;
professor in the imaginary college, v. 108;
story of the Pyramids, iii. 352, 449, 458;
mentioned, ii. 235, 274, n. 3; iv. 78.
anniversary of his death, ii. 152, n. 1;
kept by Boswell with old port and solemn talk, iii. 371;
birth-place, v. 399;
concessions to parliament, v. 340;
corn, price of, in his reign, iii. 232, n. 1;
Johnson and Lord Auchinleck dispute about him, v. 382, n. 2;
‘murder,’ his, unpopular, ii. 370;
political principles in his time, ii. 369;
saying about lawyers, ii. 214;