Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

“Jim Jackson’s wife was named Mariah.  They lived in a big fine white house.  When it was freedom a soldier come, brought a paper and Massa Jim was settin’ on the porch.  Tom Chapman was his overseer.  They rung the big farm bell and had the oldest niggers stand in a line and us little ones in front so we could all see.  Tom Chapman read the paper and stood by the soldier.  He had two big plantations.  Massa Jim got sick that day and vomited and vomited.  He lived a week or two weeks.  They sent for Dr. Ducham but he couldn’t do him no good.  He died.  Massa Jim told them they could take the teams and go to town, all he ax of ’em was to feed and take care of ’em.  Every one of the grown folks went and left us at home.  Aunt Judy seen ’bout us like she been doing all the time.  They went over to Greensboro to celebrate.  They all come back.  They was all ready fer their breakfastes.  It was twelve miles from Greensboro.  Then the next day Massa Jim or Tom Chapman, one called the grown folks to the house and told them, ’You can stay and I will pay you or you can go.  I pay no more doctor bills.  I don’t feed you no more nor give you no more clothes.’  Some moved and some hired to him.  Some went to his father-in-law’s place and some to his brothers’ place and around.  His wife was rich.  She was Dave Butler’s gal.  No, I mean Massa Jim’s wife—­Miss Mariah.  That big place was what her pa give her.  Massa Jim had five hundred little niggers on that place and lots more on the big plantation.  He had about two thousand little niggers.  We went in droves is right.

“I never went to a table in slavery time.  We had our plates and cup and took it to the pot and they put some victuals in ’em, then we went and et where we pleased.  We had all the meat we could eat and all the milk we could drink all the time.  Aunt Teena sewed and grandma would weave cloth.  They made white aprons.  My hair was nice and old mistress would tell Aunt Judy to curl my hair.  They rolled it up on cloth and on little light cobs.  If they wet it, it would stay curled.

“Massa Jim sold his niggers when he wanted to.  He sold my grandpa and Uncle Steve.  Grandma wanted him to sell her and he wouldn’t do it.  I don’t know what become of grandpa.  After freedom Uncle Steve come back to us all.  Grandpa was crying.  He come to our house and said he had to go.  We never seen him no more.

“Some of the slaves wouldn’t be whooped by Tom Chapman.  I heard them say since I got grown he ’tacked ’em.  It caused trouble.  He couldn’t whoop ’em then.  Old master whooped some of ’em.  Some would say, ’I take ten licks offen you and that is all.’  Then he would sell them the first chance.  They would go to the woods if he beat them too much.  He didn’t abuse his niggers.  He said his niggers was his property.  Aunt Sarah tended to the cows and Aunt Clarisa raised geese, turkeys, chickens, ducks, and churned.

Project Gutenberg
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.