Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

“All I can remember was the patrollers and the Ku Klux.  I reckon I ought to, I seed ’em.  I got skeered and run.  I heered ’em talk ’bout how they’d do the folks and we chillun thought they’d do us the same way.

“I ‘member hearin’ ’em talk ’bout the Yankees—­how they’d come through there and how they used to do.

“I guess we had plenty to eat.  All I know was when I got ready to eat, I could eat.

“My parents was brought from Tennessee but all the place I know anything about is Walnut Lake.

“I know my mother said I was the cause of her gettin’ a lot of whippin’s.  I’d run off and the boss man whipped her cause she wasn’t keepin’ me at home.  If he didn’t whip her, he’d pull her ears.

“When we was comin’ up they didn’t ’low the chillun to sit around where the old folks was talkin’.  And at night when company come in, we chillun had to go to bed out the way.  Sometimes I’m glad of it.  See so many chillun now gettin’ into trouble.

“I never been arrested in my life.  Been a witness once or twice—­that’s the only way I ever been in court.  If I’d a been like a lot of ’em, I might a been dead or in the pen.

“In them days, if we did something wrong, anybody could whip us and if we’d go tell our folks we get another whippin’.

“After freedom my parents stayed there and worked by the day.  They didn’t have no privilege of sellin’ the cotton though.

“I didn’t start to farm till I was ’bout twelve years old.  They started me bustin’ out the middles till I learnt how and then they put the plowin’ in my hands.

“White people been pretty good to me ’cause I done what they told me.

“I went to school a little ’long about ’70.  I learnt how to read and kept on till I could write a little.

“I used to vote ’til they stopped us.  I used to vote right along, but I stopped foolin’ with it.  ’Course we can vote in the president election but I got so I couldn’t see what ticket I was votin’, so I stopped foolin’ with it.

“I farmed till ’bout ’94, then I worked at the compress and brick work.”

Interviewer:  Samuel S. Taylor
Person interviewed:  J.T.  Tims
                    111 Mosaic Temple, Ninth and Broadway
                    Little Rock, Arkansas
Age:  86
Occupation:  Cook, waiter, and farmer

“I was born in Jefferson County, Mississippi in 1853.  That would make me eighty-six years old.  I was born six miles from Fayette—­six miles east of Fayette.  I was eighty-six years old the eleventh day of September.

“My father’s name was Daniel Tims, and my mother’s name was Ann Tims.  My mother was born in Lexington, Kentucky.  Ma’s been dead years and years ago, and my father is gone too.  My mother’s name before she married was ——­; she she told it to us all right but I just never can think of it.

“I don’t know the name of my mother’s master.  But my father’s master was named Blount Steward.  Pa was born on Blount’s plantation and Blount bought my ma because they brought her from Kentucky for sale.  They had her for sale just like you would sell hogs and mules.  Then my father saw her and liked her and married her.  She was a slave too.

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Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.