Notes and Queries, Number 13, January 26, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 13, January 26, 1850.

Notes and Queries, Number 13, January 26, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 13, January 26, 1850.

“1846.  Item, paid for makying of a newe clapper to
         Judas bell xd.”

2ndly.  Some entries, which make up a little history of a rood-loft:—­

“1460.  Item, sol’ pro le skoryng de la belles sup’ le
          Rode lofte iiijd.

“1480.  Item, paide for a doore in the rode lofte to
          save and kepe the people from the Orgayns
       Item, paide to a carpynter for makyng of the
          Crucyfix and the beme He standeth upon xls.

Item, paide for kervying of Mary and John
and the makyng newe xxxiij_s_. iiij_d_.

Item, for gilding of the same Mary and John
and the Crosse and iiij’or Evangelysts
vj_l_. vj_s_. viij_d_.

“1530.  Item, payd to a labourer for helpying up the
Roode Loft into the stepull viij_d_.

“1534.  Payd for a present for Mr. Alford and Mr.
         Herytage for ther good wyll for tymber for
         the newe Rode lofte ij_s_. ij_d_.”

The fickle tyrant Henry VIII. dies; a more consistent reign happily ensues.

“1548.  Item, for the takying downe of the Roode, the
         Tabernacle, and the Images iij_s_. vj_d_. 
       Also payd to Thomas Stokedale for xxxv ells
         of clothe for the frunte of the Rode Lofte
         whereas the x Commandements be wrytten,
         price of the ell vj_d_. xxiij_s_. iiij_d_. 
       Also payd to hym that dyd wryght the said
         x Commaundements and for ther drynking
                                        lxvj_s_. ix_d_.”

Queen Mary succeeds the boy-king Edward VI., and restores the Ritual of her Church.

“1566.  Item, payed for the Roode, Mary and John x_l_.

“1557.  Item, for peyntyng the Roode, Mary and John
       For makyng xvij candilsticks for the roode-light
                                         xj_s_. iiij_d_.”

Upon the accession of Queen Elizabeth once more, and this time for ever, the rood was destroyed, and the loft, though “reformed,” did not long survive it.

“1559.  Payde to John Rialle for his iij dayse work
         to take downe the Roode, Mary and John
                                         ij_s_. viij_d_. 
       For clevying and sawyng of the Roode, Mary
         and John xij_d_.

“1560.  Rec’d for the beame the Roode stood on, for
         boords and other tymber parcell of the
         Roode loft xlij_s_. 
       For the rest of the stuf belongying to the
         Roode lofte ix_l_. 
       For the great clothe that hong before the
         Rode xx_s_. 

Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Number 13, January 26, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.