Washington and his colleagues; a chronicle of the rise and fall of federalism eBook

Henry Jones Ford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 165 pages of information about Washington and his colleagues; a chronicle of the rise and fall of federalism.

Washington and his colleagues; a chronicle of the rise and fall of federalism eBook

Henry Jones Ford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 165 pages of information about Washington and his colleagues; a chronicle of the rise and fall of federalism.
all the accounts of the Treasury Department up to a period only a little over three weeks before the resolutions were presented, and to give a detailed transcript of particulars.  But the Treasury accounts were in such perfect order, and so great was Hamilton’s capacity for work, that the information called for was promptly transmitted in reports dated February 4, February 13, and February 14.  At the same time Hamilton hit back by observing that the resolutions “were not moved without a pretty copious display of the reasons on which they were founded,” which “were of a nature to excite attention, to beget alarm, to inspire doubts.”

Giles was soon able to renew the attack.  Jefferson and Madison helped him to prepare a series of nine resolutions which were presented on February 27.  They specifically charged Hamilton with violation of law, neglect of duty, transgression of the proper limits of his authority, and indecorum in his attitude towards the House.  The series ended with a resolution that a copy should be transmitted to the President.  The proceeding was a sort of impeachment, framed with the purpose not of bringing Hamilton to trial but of forcing him out of the Cabinet.  The charges against him were purely technical and were actuated by malevolence.  Hamilton, though not allowed to come into the House to defend himself, nevertheless participated in the debate indirectly by writing the speech delivered by William Smith and credited to him in the Annals of Congress.  It was so generally felt in Congress that the resolutions were founded on nothing more substantial than spite that Giles could not hold his forces together, and as the debate proceeded the number of his adherents dwindled.  The House began voting at a night session on March 1st.  After the third resolution had been defeated by a vote of 40 to 12, an attempt was made to withdraw the others, but such action was refused, and one by one the remaining resolutions were defeated by increasing numbers until only seven voted with Giles at the last, among them James Madison.  It was a signal triumph for Hamilton.  But his enemies were not disposed to accept the decision as final, and Jefferson thought it might be revised at the next session.

It was not until the Second Congress that the old factions finally disappeared and the formation of national parties began.  The issue over the adoption of the Constitution had produced Federalists and Anti-Federalists, but with its adoption Anti-Federalism as such became a thing of the past.  Opposition to the Government had to betake itself to the political platform provided by the successful introduction of the new system of government, and was obliged to distinguish itself from official Federalism by attacking not the Constitution but the way in which the Constitution was being construed and applied.  The suspicion, jealousy, and dislike with which the new government was regarded, in many quarters were reflected from the beginning in the

Project Gutenberg
Washington and his colleagues; a chronicle of the rise and fall of federalism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.