The Makers and Teachers of Judaism eBook

Charles Foster Kent
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about The Makers and Teachers of Judaism.

The Makers and Teachers of Judaism eBook

Charles Foster Kent
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about The Makers and Teachers of Judaism.

Section CXVI.  The Decline of the Maccabean Kingdom.  GENERAL QUESTIONS:  1.  Describe the character of Alexander Janneus. 2.  His military policy. 3.  His treatment of his subjects. 4.  The extension of Jewish territory. 5.  The effects of his rule. 6.  Alexandra’s policy. 7.  The fatal mistakes of the Pharisees. 8.  The suicidal quarrels between her sons, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus. 9.  The intrigues of Antipater. 10.  The appeal to Rome. 11.  Pompey’s intervention and capture of Jerusalem. 12.  The causes of the fall of the Maccabean kingdom. 13.  The political effects of the Maccabean struggle. 14.  The impression which it made upon Israel’s faith. 15.  The new spirit that it inspired in the Jews.

SUBJECTS FOR SPECIAL RESEARCH:  1.  Rome’s policy and campaigns in the East.  Goodspeed, Hist. of Anc.  World, 311-9; Seignobos, Hist. of Rom.  People, 126-30. 2.  Rome’s earlier relation to the Jewish kingdom. 3.  The character and career of Pompey.  Goodspeed, Hist. of Anc.  World, 343-9; Botsford, Hist. of Rome, 175-80, 183-9; Morey, Outlines of Roman Hist., ch. 20.


Section CXVII.  The Rise of the Herodian House.  GENERAL QUESTIONS:  1.  Describe the repeated rebellions against Rome that were instigated and led by Aristobulus and his sons. 2.  The reasons why the Jews rallied about their standard. 3.  Antipater’s character and policy. 4.  Herod’s career as governor of Galilee. 5.  The Parthian conquest and the temporary restoration of the Maccabean rule. 6.  The immediate effect upon Herod and his family. 7.  Reasons why he was appointed king of the Jews by Antony and Octavian.

SUBJECTS FOR SPECIAL RESEARCH:  1.  The fortresses of Alexandrium and Macherus.  Smith, Hist.  Geog. of the Holy Land, 352-3, 569-71; Kent, Bib.  Geog. and Hist., 229, 244-5; Schurer, H.J.P., I, i, 250-1. 2.  The history of Rome from 60 to 40 B.C.  Botsford, Hist. of Rome, 183-97; Fowler, Julius Caesar; Mahaffy, Gk.  World under Roman Sway, ch.  IV. 3.  The Parthians.  Hastings, D.B., III, 680-1.

Section CXVIII.  Herod’s Policy and Reign.  GENERAL QUESTIONS:  1.  Describe the strength and weakness of Herod’s character. 2.  The ways in which he won the favor of Augustus. 3.  His building activity within his kingdom. 4.  Outside of Palestine. 5.  His treatment of his subjects. 6.  His record as husband and father. 7.  The effects of his reign.

SUBJECTS FOR SPECIAL RESEARCH:  1.  Rome under Augustus.  Botsford, Hist. of Rome, 204-22; Bury, Student’s Rom.  Emp., chs.  I-XIV; Capes, Early Empire, chs.  I-III, XII-XIX. 2.  Herod’s Caesarea.  Smith, Hist.  Geog. of the Holy Land, 138-41; En.  Bib., I, 617-8; Kent, Bib.  Geog. and Hist., 233. 3.  The various sides of Herod’s character.  Hastings, D.B., II, 356-7; En.  Bib., II, 2025-9; Bevan, Jer. under the High Priests, 148-51.

Project Gutenberg
The Makers and Teachers of Judaism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.