The world's great sermons, Volume 08 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 195 pages of information about The world's great sermons, Volume 08.

The world's great sermons, Volume 08 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 195 pages of information about The world's great sermons, Volume 08.

That is the supreme utterance of the Master after many a century of preparation, opening our hearts, bringing us to this great truth, and that this one thing He wants done is His final charge to believers:  Go everywhere; teach, preach, baptize, agonize, give, sacrifice—­out to the very ends of the earth.  And lo!  I am with you alway, and you shall lack no good thing.  Surely, there can be no doubt that the Master, at least, thinks that these people have a great need for this gospel.

There are some who have an idea that salvation is to be the sum and substance of what we are.  Well, I think that way myself:  that, if you find heaven on the other side of death, you will take it over with you; if there is any condition of peace, you will take that condition of peace with you.  Death will be no more than going over a seam in this carpet.  The moment after death will differ from the moment before death in your essential character no more than any two consecutive moments in your life.  If you are a mean, narrow, selfish, ugly, cross man the moment before death, you will be a mean, narrow, selfish, ugly, cross man the moment after death.  If you find a good character over yonder, you will take it over with you.  If you have a good character to take over with you, you will have it in the Lord Jesus Christ here.  If you live on that basis, I think this is pretty safe that those millions out yonder in the darkness, plunged in ignorance and superstition, knowing nothing about morality and nothing about heaven—­those millions want a chance, that the same law that governs our lives will govern theirs.  I surround my boy with the best possible opportunities; I watch every book that comes in his hands; I watch every playmate that I possibly can that comes in his path; I see to it, as my highest business on this footstool—­higher than my call to this pulpit—­that that boy has a fair chance for heaven.  If I push him out into the alley to herd with criminals, and be dandled in the lap of vice, and be familiar with all corruption, I have no moral right to expect to meet him in heaven.  But if I multiply advantages about him, give him the best possible books and surroundings, make him at home with the Lord Jesus, so that he talks about his salvation and life eternal as he does about matters in the home, I have a good right to expect that the King will give me His eternal peace.

Now, I think that the law that holds over my boy holds over all boys in China and Japan and Hindustan; that, just in proportion as we multiply the light and the favorable circumstances about them, then in that proportion we increase their fair chance for heaven.  I think it is sound in philosophy.  I believe that, just in proportion as we act by it, we will be safe.

Project Gutenberg
The world's great sermons, Volume 08 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.