The world's great sermons, Volume 08 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 195 pages of information about The world's great sermons, Volume 08.

The world's great sermons, Volume 08 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 195 pages of information about The world's great sermons, Volume 08.

And now, look—­in comes Judas.  He ought to make a good witness.  Let us address him.  “Come, tell us, Judas, what think ye of Christ?  You knew the Master well; you sold Him for thirty pieces of silver; you betrayed Him with a kiss; you saw Him perform those miracles; you were with Him in Jerusalem.  In Bethany, when He summoned up Lazarus, you were there.  What think you of Him?” I can see him as he comes into the presence of the chief priests; I can hear the money ring as he dashes it upon the table, “I have betrayed innocent blood!” Here is the man who betrayed Him, and this is what he thinks of Him!  Yes, those who were guilty of His death put their testimony on record that He was an innocent man.

Let us take the centurion who was present at the execution.  He had charge of the Roman soldiers.  He told them to make Him carry His cross; he had given orders for the nails to be driven into His feet and hands, for the spear to be thrust in His side.  Let the centurion come forward.  “Centurion, you had charge of the executioners; you saw that the order for His death was carried out; you saw Him die; you heard Him speak upon the cross.  Tell us, what think you of Christ?” Hark!  Look at him; he is smiting his breast as he cries, “Truly, this was the son of God!”

I might go to the thief upon the cross, and ask what he thought of Him.  At first he railed upon Him and reviled Him.  But then he thought better of it:  “This man hath done nothing amiss,” he says.

I might go further.  I might summon the very devils themselves and ask them for their testimony.  Have they anything to say of Him?  Why, the very devils called Him the Son of God!  In Mark we have the unclean spirit crying, “Jesus, thou Son of the most high God.”  Men say, “Oh, I believe Christ to be the Son of God, and because I believe it intellectually I shall be saved.”  I tell you the devils did that.  And they did more than that, they trembled.

Let us bring in His friends.  We want you to hear their evidence.  Let us call that prince of preachers.  Let us hear the forerunner; none ever preached like this man—­this man who drew all Jerusalem and all Judea into the wilderness to hear him; this man who burst upon the nations like the flash of a meteor.  Let John the Baptist come with his leathern girdle and his hairy coat, and let him tell us what he thinks of Christ.  His words, tho they were echoed in the wilderness of Palestine, are written in the Book forever, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world!” This is what John the Baptist thought of him.  “I bear record that He is the Son of God.”  No wonder he drew all Jerusalem and Judea to him, because he preached Christ.  And whenever men preach Christ, they are sure to have plenty of followers.

Project Gutenberg
The world's great sermons, Volume 08 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.