[He turns to the background, there ensues a sudden and violent movement among the Cuirassiers; they surround him, and carry him off in wild tumult. WALLENSTEIN_ remains immovable_. THEKLA sinks into her mother’s arms. The curtain falls. The music becomes loud and overpowering, and passes into a complete war march—the orchestra joins it and continues during the interval between the second and third Act.]
The Burgomaster’s House at Egra
BUTLER (just arrived).
Here then he is, by his destiny conducted.
Here, Friedland! and no farther! From Bohemia
Thy meteor rose, traversed the sky awhile,
And here upon the borders of Bohemia
Must sink.
Thou hast foresworn the ancient colors,
Blind man! yet trustest to thy ancient fortunes.
Profaner of the altar and the hearth,
Against thy Emperor and fellow citizens
Thou mean’st to wage the war. Friedland,
The evil spirit of revenge impels thee—
Beware thou, that revenge destroy thee not!
Is it you?
How my heart sinks! The Duke a fugitive traitor!
His princely head attainted! O my God!
[Tell me, General, I implore thee, tell me
In full, of all these sad events at Pilsen.]
You have received the letter which I sent you
By a post-courier?
Yes: and in obedience to it
Open’d the stronghold to him without scruple,
For an imperial letter orders me
To follow your commands implicitly.
But yet forgive me! when even now I saw
The Duke himself my scruples recommenced;
For truly, not like an attainted man,
Into this town did Friedland make his entrance;
His wonted majesty beam’d from his brow,
And calm, as in the days when all was right,
Did he receive from me the accounts of office.
’Tis said that fallen pride learns condescension;
But sparing and with dignity the Duke
Weigh’d every syllable of approbation,
As masters praise a servant who has done
His duty and no more.
’Tis all precisely
As I related in my letter. Friedland
Has sold the army to the enemy,
And pledged himself to give up Prague and Egra.
On this report the regiments all forsook him,
The five excepted that belong to Terzky,
And which have follow’d him, as thou hast seen
The sentence of attainder is pass’d on him,
And every loyal subject is required
To give him in to justice, dead or living.