A Strange Disappearance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 188 pages of information about A Strange Disappearance.

A Strange Disappearance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 188 pages of information about A Strange Disappearance.


It was about this time that I took up my residence in a sort of lodging-house that occupied the opposite corner to that of Mr. Blake.  My room, as I took pains to have it, overlooked the avenue, and from its windows I could easily watch the goings and comings of the gentleman whose movements were daily becoming of more and more interest to me.  For set it down to caprice—­and men are often as capricious as women—­or account for it as you will, his restlessness at this period was truly remarkable.  Not a day that he did not spend his time in walking the streets, and that not in his usual aimless gentlemanly fashion, but eagerly and with an intent gaze that roamed here and there, like a bird seeking its prey.  It would often be as late as five o’clock before he came in, and if, as now frequently happened, he did not have company to dinner, he was even known to start out again after seven o’clock and go over the same ground as in the morning, looking with strained gaze, that vainly endeavored to appear unconcerned, into the faces of the women that he passed.  I not unfrequently followed him at these times as much for my own amusement as from any hope I had of coming upon anything that should aid me in the work before me.  But when he suddenly changed his route of travel from a promenade in the fashionable thoroughfares of Broadway and Fourteenth Street to a walk through Chatham Square and the dark, narrow streets of the East side, I began to scent whom the prey might be that he was seeking, and putting every other consideration aside, regularly set myself to dog his steps, as only I, with my innumerable disguises, knew how to do.  For three separate days I kept at his heels wherever he went, each day growing more and more astonished if not to say hopeful, as I found myself treading the narrowest and most disreputable streets of the city; halting at the shops of pawnbrokers; peering into the back-rooms of liquor shops; mixing with the crowds that infest the corner groceries at nightfall, and even slinking with hand on the trigger of the pistol I carried in my pocket, up dark alleys where every door that swung noiselessly to and fro as we passed, shut upon haunts of such villainy as only is known to us of the police, or to those good souls that for the sake of One whose example they follow, lay aside their fears and sensitiveness to carry light into the dim pits of this wretched world.  At first I thought Mr. Blake might have some such reason for the peculiar course he took.  But his indifference to all crowds where only men were collected, his silence where a word would have been well received, convinced me it was a woman he was seeking and that with an intentness which blinded him to the commonest needs of the hour.  I even saw him once in his hurry and abstraction, step across the body of a child who had fallen face downward on the stones, and that with an expression showing he was utterly unconscious of anything but

Project Gutenberg
A Strange Disappearance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.