Blessington, Countess of
Blomfield, Dr., Bishop of London
Bolles, Dame Maria
Bolton, Duchess of
Boswell, James
Bowen, Lord
Braddon, Miss
Bright, John
Brookfield, Rev. W.H.
Brougham, Lord
Broughton, Miss,
Browne, Dr., Bishop of Ely,
Browning, Robert,
Brownrigg, Mrs.,
Brummell, G.B.,
Buckinghamshire, Countess of,
Bull, Bishop,
Burdett, Sir Francis,
Burgon, Dean,
Burke, Sir Bernard,
Bury, Lady Charlotte,
Butler, Dr., Master of Trinity,
Dr., Bishop of Lichfield,
Byng, George,
Byron, Lord,
Calverley, C.S.,
Cambridge, Adolphus, Duke of,
Duchess of,
Canning, George,
Canterbury, Archbishops Benson,
Cornwallis, Howley, Tait, and
Temple, of (see those headings).
Carlyle, Thomas,
Carrington, Lord,
“Carroll, Lewis,”
Chamberlain, Joseph,
Charles I.,
Chatham, Earl of,
Child, Miss,
Church, Dean,
Churchill, Lord Randolph,
Clarence, Edward, Duke of,
William, Duke of,
Cleveland, Duchess of,
Cobbett, William,
Cobden, F.C.,
Cockburn, Sir Alexander,
“Coke of Norfolk” (Earl of Leicester),
Coleridge, Lord,
Sir J.T.,
Collins, Miss,
Combermere, Viscount,
Connaught, Duke of,
Prince Arthur of,
Cornwallis, Dr., Archbishop of Canterbury,
Cowper-Temple, W.F. (Lord Mount-Temple),
Croker, J.W.,
Cross, Viscount,
Cumberland, Ernest, Duke of,
Henry Frederick, Duke of,
Cuyler, Miss,
Cunningham, Sir Henry,
Delane, J.T.,
Denison, Archdeacon,
Derby, fourteenth Earl of,
fifteenth Earl of,
De Ros, Lord,
Devonshire, eighth Duke of,
Dickens, Charles,
Disraeli (see Beaconsfield).
D’Orsay, Count Alfred,
Dowse, Serjeant,
Dublin, Archbishops Plunket, Trench, and Whately,
of (see
those headings).
Duckworth, Rev. Dr.
Dufferin, Marchioness of,
Marquis of,
Duncombe, Thomas,
Dundas, Sir David,
Eldon, Earl of,
Elliot, Dean,
Ely, Bishops Browne, Sparke,
Turton, and Woodford, of (see
those headings).
Erne, Earl and Countess of,
Erskine, Lord,
Evarts, Jeremiah,
Exeter, Dr. Phillpotts, Bishop of,
Eyton, Rev. Robert,
FitzGerald, Lady Edward,
Fitzherbert, Mrs.,
Fitzwilliam, Earl,
Forster, W.E.,
Fox, C.J.,
Frederick, the Empress (Princess
Freeman, E.A.,
Fronde, J.A.,
Furse, Archdeacon,
Gambetta, Leon,
George IV. (see under Kings).
Gladstone, W.E.,
Glasse, Hannah,
Glentworth, Viscountess,
Gloucester, Duke of ("Silly Billy"),
Gore, Rev. Charles,
Goschen, G.J.,
Gower, Earl,
Graham, H.J.L.,
Grain, Corney,
Granville, Earl,
Grattan, Henry,
Grenville, Thomas,
Greville, C.C.F.,
Grey, Colonel Charles,