The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 199 pages of information about The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit.

The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 199 pages of information about The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit.

Sammy Boy and the Skyscraper got their tails twisted and came to earth in a tangled mass; American Eagle was top heavy and flopped around in circles and never rose higher than fifty feet, Mikado went up steadily but slowly, straining at its weighted tail; and Victory Bird, whom everybody expected to win, came a close second, and that was all.  Many Eyes got to the end of her string first and danced triumphantly about in the air, several yards above Victory Bird.  With everything dead set against her, broken looking glass, salt weights, only one eye, and not a single good luck symbol on her anywhere she had come out first in spite of it all!

Then the Winnebagos nearly split their throats cheering, and Agony, who had slipped back to them, cheered louder than all the rest, advertising to all within earshot that she was a Winnebago and belonged to the winning entry.

“And to think,” marveled Hinpoha, “that with all her lucky symbols, the other Many Eyes came to grief, and this one won without a single thing to help her!  I’ll never have faith in good and bad luck signs again!”

The Scout who had scoffed at Many Eyes before the contest came around afterward and looked her over thoughtfully, and discussed her construction in a decidedly respectful tone with Sahwah.

“Now, can a girl design a kite?” asked Sahwah triumphantly.

“I guess she can,” admitted the Scout as graciously as he could under the circumstances.  He was the one who had designed Victory Bird and it was hard for him to admit that he had been beaten by a girl.

“But then, you’re a Camp Fire Girl,” he added, as if it were not so much of a defeat to be beaten by a Camp Fire Girl as by an ordinary girl.

“But what did you put the one eye on her for?” he finished curiously.

“So she could see where she was going,” replied Sahwah gravely.

“But why didn’t you put two eyes in her?” persisted the Scout.

“Because she only needed one to see to get ahead of your kites,” answered Sahwah, and felt that her triumph was complete.

After the contest was over the Winnebagos went out rowing on the river with Mr. Wing and the artist and Slim and the Captain.  Oh-Pshaw wouldn’t go, nothing would ever induce her to go rowing, so Nyoda stayed out with her while the rest went.  Slim and the Captain had a private squabble as to which one should have Hinpoha in his boat and while they were squabbling she got into the boat with the artist, so the Captain solaced himself with Sahwah and Agony, and Slim took Gladys and Veronica.  Migwan got into the boat with Mr. Wing, an arrangement which pleased them both, for Migwan thought Mr. Wing the most charming man in the world, and he was very fond of the sweet, Madonna-faced girl with the beautiful, thoughtful eyes and the intellectual forehead.

“Who’s the nervy party with the chin whiskers that’s cabbaged Hinpoha?” asked the Captain of Sahwah, scowling crossly after the leading boat, which was already drawing away from the rest of the party.

Project Gutenberg
The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.