The Piper eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Piper.

The Piper eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Piper.

[There is the sound of a herd-bell approaching.

See,—­how the sunlight soon shall pour red wine
To make your marriage-feast!—­And do you hear
That faery bell?—­No fear!—­’T is some white creature,
Seeking her whiter lamb.—­Go; find our hermit;
And he shall bless you,—­as a hermit can! 
And be your pledge for shelter.  There’s the path.—­
Follow each other, close!

  Beyond the Sun!

A golden afternoon,—­and all is well!

[He gives MICHAEL his cloak to wrap round BARBARA.  They go, hand in hand, up into the hills, The herd-bell sounds softly.—­The PIPER cocks his head like a squirrel, and listens with delight.  He watches the two till they disappear; then comes down joyously.

If you can only catch them while they’re young!

[The herd-bell sounds nearer.  He lets down a water-jar into the well again.  The nearness of the hell startles him.  He becomes watchful as a wild creature.  It sounds nearer and nearer.  A woman’s voice calls like the wind:  ’Jan!  Jan!’—­ The PIPER, tense and cautious, moves softly down into the shrubbery by the well.


  Hist!  Who dared?

. . .  Jan!—­

  Who dared, I say? 
A woman.—­’T is a woman!

[Enter VERONIKA, on the road from Hamelin.  She is very pale and worn, and drags herself along, clutching in her hand a herd-bell.  She looks about her, holds up the bell and shakes it once softly, covering it with her fingers again; then she sits wearily down at the foot of the ruined shrine and covers her face, with a sharp breath.

  . . .  Ah,—­ah,—­ah!
[The PIPER watches with breathless wonder and fascination.  It seems
to horrify him.

[under breath]
That woman!

[VERONIKA lifts her head suddenly and sees the motion of the bushes.

He is coming!—­He is here!
[She darts towards the well.—­The PIPER springs up. 
Oh, God of Mercy! . . .  It is only you! 
Where is he?—­Where?—­Where are you hiding him?

Woman . . . what do you, wandering, with that bell? 
That herd-bell?

Oh! are you man or cloud? . . .  Where is my Jan? 
Jan,—­Jan,—­the little lame one!  He is mine. 
He lives, I know he lives.  I know—­yes, yes,
You’ve hidden him.  I will be patient.—­Yes.

Surely he lives!

  —­Lives! will you swear it?  Ah,—­
I will believe!  But he . . . is not so strong
As all the others.

  Aie, how horrible!
[To her]
Sit you down here.  You cannot go away
While you are yet so pale.  Why are you thus?
[She looks at him distractedly.]

You, who have torn the hearts out of our bodies
And left the city like a place of graves,—­
Why am I spent?—­Ah, ah!—­But he’s alive! 
Yes, yes, he’s living.

Project Gutenberg
The Piper from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.