The World's Greatest Books — Volume 08 — Fiction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 381 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 08 — Fiction.

The World's Greatest Books — Volume 08 — Fiction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 381 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 08 — Fiction.

Kalander’s spirits were so revived that he himself guided Palladiu to the place upon the frontiers where already were assembled several thousand men all well disposed for Kalander’s sake to abide any peril.  So Palladius marched on the town of Cardamila, where Clitophon was captive, and having by a stratagem obtained entry, put the Helots to flight, but ere the Arcadians could reach the prison, the captain of the Helots, who had been absent, returned and rallied them.  Then the fight grew most sharp, and the encounters of cruel obstinacy, and such was the overflowing of the valour of Palladius that the captain of the Helots saw he alone was worth all the rest of the Arcadians; and disdaining to fight any other sought only to join with him, which mind was no less in Palladius.  So they began a combat, surpassing in bravery, and, as it were, delightful terribleness, till, both sides beginning to wax faint, the captain of the Helots strake Palladius upon the side of the head, and withal his helmet fell off.  Other of the Arcadians were ready to shield him from any harm which might rise of that nakedness; but little needed it, for his chief enemy kneeled down, offering to deliver the pommel of his sword, in token of yielding, withal saying aloud that he thought it more liberty to be his prisoner than any other’s general.  Palladius, standing upon himself, and misdoubting some craft, “What,” said the Captain, “hath Palladius forgotten the voice of Diaphantus?”

And by that watchword Palladius knew it was his only friend Pyrocles, whom he had lost upon the sea, and therefore both caused the retreat to be sounded.  And of the Arcadian side the good old Kalander striving more than his old age could achieve, was taken prisoner, but being led towards the captain of the Helots, whom should he see next the captain but his son Clitophon!  Then were Kalander and Clitophon delivered to the Arcadians without ransom, for so the Helots agreed, being moved by the authority of Diaphantus as much as persuaded by his reasons, and to Palladius (for so he called Musidorus) he sent word by Clitophon that he would himself repair to Arcadia, having dispatched himself of the Helots.  Also he assured them he would bring with him Clitophon’s friend.  Araglus, till then kept in close prison, or he would die.  And this he did, and was received with loving joy by Kalander.

II.—­The Lovers’ Quest

The two friends having accounted their adventures to each other since they parted, embraced and kissed each other, and then told Kalander the whole story; and Palladius recounted also to Pyrocles the strange story of Arcadia and its king.  And so they lived for some days in great contentment.  But anon, it could not be hid from Palladius that Diaphantus was grown weary of his abode in Arcadia, seeing the court could not be visited, but was prohibited to all men save certain shepherdish people.  And one day, when Kalander had invited them to the hunting of a goodly stag, Diaphantus was missed, after death had been sent to the poor beast with a crossbow, and on returning to the house, Palladius, greatly marvelling, lighted on a letter written by Pyrocles before he went a-hunting, in which he said that violence of love led to his absence.  Then Palladius determined never to leave seeking him till his search should be either by meeting accomplished, or by death ended.

Project Gutenberg
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 08 — Fiction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.