The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales.

The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales.

“The water’s shoaling rapidly, sir,” repeated the second lieutenant.

“There’s six fathoms by the chart.”

“Four by the lead, sir.”

“When we clear this point we shall see how we lie.  Ha!  I thought as much!  Lay her to, Mr. Wharton.  Now we have got her at our mercy!”

The frigate was quite out of sight of the sea now at the head of this river-like estuary.  As she came round the curve the two shores were seen to converge at a point about a mile distant.  In the angle, as near shore as she could get, the brig was lying with her broadside towards her pursuer and a wisp of black cloth streaming from her mizzen.  The lean lieutenant, who had reappeared upon deck with a cutlass strapped to his side and two pistols rammed into his belt, peered curiously at the ensign.

“Is it the Jolly Rodger, sir?” he asked.

But the captain was furious.

“He may hang where his breeches are hanging before I have done with him!” said he.  “What boats will you want, Mr. Wharton?”

“We should do it with the launch and the jolly-boat.”

“Take four and make a clean job of it.  Pipe away the crews at once, and I’ll work her in and help you with the long eighteens.”

With a rattle of ropes and a creaking of blocks the four boats splashed into the water.  Their crews clustered thickly into them:  bare-footed sailors, stolid marines, laughing middies, and in the sheets of each the senior officers with their stern schoolmaster faces.  The captain, his elbows on the binnacle, still watched the distant brig.  Her crew were tricing up the boarding-netting, dragging round the starboard guns, knocking new portholes for them, and making every preparation for a desperate resistance.  In the thick of it all a huge man, bearded to the eyes, with a red nightcap upon his head, was straining and stooping and hauling.  The captain watched him with a sour smile, and then snapping up his glass he turned upon his heel.  For an instant he stood staring.

“Call back the boats!” he cried in his thin, creaking voice.  “Clear away for action there!  Cast loose those main-deck guns.  Brace back the yards, Mr. Smeaton, and stand by to go about when she has weigh enough.”

Round the curve of the estuary was coming a huge vessel.  Her great yellow bowsprit and white-winged figure-head were jutting out from the cluster of palm trees, while high above them towered three immense masts with the tricolour flag floating superbly from the mizzen.  Round she came, the deep-blue water creaming under her fore foot, until her long, curving, black side, her line of shining copper beneath and of snow-white hammocks above, and the thick clusters of men who peered over her bulwarks were all in full view.  Her lower yards were slung, her ports triced up, and her guns run out all ready for action.  Lying behind one of the promontories of the island, the lookout men of the Gloire upon the shore had seen the cul de sac into which the British frigate was headed, so that Captain de Milon had served the Leda as Captain Johnson had the Slapping Sal.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.