“David, you’re steering straight through the Big Deep,” Kate Wilkes told him.
“I should have been of untimely birth, if he had not come to me as the most rousing and inspiring of world-men. His face is turned away toward a Great Light. He has put on power wonderfully in the last few months.... He moves with men, but he sees beyond. I know that! And all makes for the most glowing optimism. He sees that our race is on the shadowy borders of cosmic consciousness, as the brightest of our domestic animals to-day are on the borders of self-consciousness. He sees that Woman will be the great teacher when humanity rises. Every thing is bright to him in this shocking modern hour, for it heralds the advent of the Risen Woman!... Yes, I am full of this. I have been getting his letters, and writing about the things he has made me think. The good that we do for the race—comes back—for we are the race always. I’ve already found so much that is good in the world, that I praise God every morning of my life!”
Beth had come. She was standing beside him.
“Glorious, David,” she said.
And now Vina appeared, to lead them to the big round table in the room of the cabinets.
“He will be here in a minute,” she said.
At each place of the table was an engraved card, which Vina explained: “When Mr. Bedient first came to my studio—to me it was a wonderful afternoon. I asked him to write for me some of the things he said, and I thought you would like to keep—what came of the request—his Credo:”
In the natural greatness
of Woman; that through the spirit of
Woman are born sons
of strength; that only through the potential
greatness of Woman comes
the militant greatness of man.
I believe Mothering
is the loveliest of the Arts; that great
mothers are hand-maidens
of the Spirit, to whom are intrusted
God’s avatars;
that no prophet is greater than his mother.
I believe when humanity
arises to Spiritual evolution (as it once
evolved through Flesh,
and is now evolving through Mind), Woman
will assume the ethical
guiding of the race.
I believe that the Holy Spirit of the Trinity is Mystic Motherhood, and the source of the divine principle in Woman; that Prophets are the union of this divine principle and higher manhood; that they are beyond the attractions of women of flesh, because unto their manhood has been added Mystic Motherhood.
I believe in the Godhood of the Christ; that unto the manhood of the Son and Mystic Motherhood was added, upon Resurrection, the Third Lustrous Dimension of the Father-God; that, thus Jesus became the first fruit of earth, and thus He is enhanced above St. Paul and the Forerunner, becoming Three in One—Man, risen to Prophecy through illumination of the Holy Spirit, and to Godhood, through his ineffable services to Men.
I believe that the way to Godhood is the Rising Road of Man.