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B. requests us to correct an omission in his transcript from Mr. De Morgan’s Note in our last week’s Number, p. 108.: Johnson’s remark should have been—“Let me see: forty times forty is sixteen hundred. As three to sixteen hundred, so is the proportion, &c. The words in Roman were omitted.”
MELANION and other valued contributors are begged not to suppose their contributions are declined because they are postponed. We have procured the book MELANION has referred us to, and hope in the course of two or three weeks to bring the subject forward in a manner to give general satisfaction.
Greenhill’s Exposition of Ezekiel with Observations thereupon, reprinted in 1839, in imp. 8vo., is marked in C. J. Stewart’s Catalogue, at 18s.
(who is thanked for his private communication)—H.C.
de St.
and W.—R.T.
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