Gossip in a Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 195 pages of information about Gossip in a Library.

Gossip in a Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 195 pages of information about Gossip in a Library.
RABELAIS Racine, Jean Radcliffe, Dr. John Raleigh, Sir Walter Randall, John Ravenscroft, Edward Reynolds’ Peter Bell, John Hamilton ——­ The Fancy Richardson, Samuel Richelieu, Cardinal Rimini, Leigh Hunt’s Robinson, Henry Crabb Robinson, Perdita Rochefoucauld, La Roman Bourgeois, Le, Furetiere’s Roman Empress, Joyner’s Ronsard Roscommon, Earl of Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Roubillac Rowe, Nicholas Roxana, Defoe Roy (Poet) Rutland, Poems of Duke of
SACKVILLE, Lord Buckhurst, Thomas Sadler, Thomas Sainte-Beuve Saint-Simon Sampson Agonista, Milton’s Sandford, Mrs. Savage, Richard Scarron Scott, Sir Walter Scudery, Mlle. de Sedley, Sir Charles Selborne, White’s The Natural History of Sertorius, Bancroft’s Settle, Elkanah Sevigne, Mme. de Shadwell, Thomas Shaftesbury’s Enquiry Concerning Virtue Shaving of Shagpat, George Meredith’s The Shelley Shepheards Hunting, Wither’s The Shipwreck, Falconer’s The Shirley, James Sidney’s Arcadia Sir Harry Wildair, Farquhar’s Skelton’s Contribution to Mirror for Magistrates Smart, Christopher Smollett, Tobias Smythe (see Lord Strangford), George Percy Sydney Solly, Edward Song to David, Smart’s Sorel, Charles Southerne, Thomas Southey, Robert Spleen, Ode on the Stecchetti, Lorenzo Stone, Nicholas Strangford, Lord Suckling, Sir John Sugar Cane, Grainger’s The Swift, Dean
TEMPLE, Sir William Thackeray, W.M. Tom Crib, Moore’s Tom Jones, Fielding Tooke, Horne Tradescant, John Traveller, Goldsmith’s The Trotter’s Fatal Friendship, Catherine Turner, J.M.W.  Tyers, Thomas

  Ultra-crepidarius, Leigh Hunt’s
  Usurper, Howard’s

VANBRUGH, Sir John Vanbrugh’s Aesop Vaugelas Vaughan, Henry Vayer, La Mothe le Verlaine, Paul Verrall, Dr. A.W. View of Christianity, Soame Jenyns’ Voltaire
WAGGONER, Wordsworth’s The Waggoner, Benjamin the Walker, Anthony (Engraver) Walpole, Horace Walton, Izaak Warburton, Bishop Weston’s Amazon Queen What Ann Lang Read White, Rev. Gilbert Wife to be Lett, Eliza Haywood’s A Winchilsea, Anne, Countess of Winstanley, William, Wither, George Wordsworth, William Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads Wright, Mr. W. Aldis Wycherley, William

  YALDEN, Robert

Project Gutenberg
Gossip in a Library from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.