Jeffrey, Francis
Jenyns, Soame
Johnson, Dr. Samuel
Johnson, Thomas (Botanist)
Johnson, William
Jonson, Ben
Joyner, William
Jusserand, J.J., English Novel in the
Time of Shakespeare
King, Dr. Henry
Kip, William
LAMB, Charles Lang, Andrew La Rochefoucauld Lee, Nathaniel Le Gallienne, Mr. Le Grand Cyrus Lenore, Burger’s Lerpiniere, Daniel Les Chats, Moncrif’s Lesdiguieres, Duchess of Letters of Lord Chesterfield Liberal, The Locker-Lampson, Frederick Lombard (Antiquary) Longueville, Mme. de Louis XIV Love and a Bottle, Farquhar’s Love and Business, Farquhar’s Love in Excess, Eliza Haywood Loveday, Robert Lydgate’s Fall of Princes
MAINE, Duchess of Manners, Lord John (see Rutland, Duke of) Manship, Samuel Marot, Clement Marshalsea Prison Marvell, Andrew Mason, William Mazell, Peter (Engraver) Memoirs of a Lady of Quality Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain, Amory’s Mentzelius, Christian Meredith’s, The Shaving of Shagpat Mezeray, Francois Milton, John Mimnermus in Church, Johnson’s Mirror for Magistrates, A Mitlord, John Mithridates, Lee’s Moll Flanders, Defoe Moncrif, Augustin Paradis de Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley Moore’s Tom Crib, Thomas Murray, John
NASH, Beau Newbery, Francis Newbery, John (Publisher) Newcastle’s Humorous Lovers, Duke of Niccols, Richard Nichols, John Bowyer Nodier Norden, John Nottingham, Sonnet to the Earl of
OCEANA, Harrington’s Orford, Countess of (Pompey the Little) Orrery, Earl of Ortelius, Abraham Osborne, Dorothy Otten (Engraver) Otway, Thomas
PAMELA, Richardson’s Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, Milton’s Parleying, Brownings Parr, Dr. Parthenissa, Boyle’s Payne, John, (line-engraver) Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul Pennant, Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore, Dr. Thomas Peter Bell: A Tale in Verse, Wordsworth’s Peter Bell; A Lyrical Ballad, Hamilton’s Peter Bell the Third, Shelley’s Peter Corcoran Pharamond, La Calprenede’s Philemon to Hydaspes, Coventry’s Phillips, John Pindar, Peter Plays, A Volume of Old Poems of Anne Finch (Lady Winchilsea) Poems of Christopher Smart Poet in Prison, A (The Shepheards Hunting) Poets, A Censor of Poets, Winstanley’s Lives of English Polexandre, Gomberville’s Pompey the Little, F. Coventry’s Pope, Alexander Porter, Major Thomas Praed, W. Mackworth Prelude, Wordsworth’s, The Priest, Dr. Pseudodoxia Epidemica, Browne’s
Queensberry, Duchess of