Period, or full stop, its pause.
or circuit, nature of.
probably the oldest of the points; how first used:
—how used in Hebrew:
—what used to mark:
—Rules for the
use of:
—not required when
short sentences are rehearsed as examples:
—whether to be
applied to letters written for numbers:
—with other points
set after it:
—whether proper
after Arabic figures used as ordinals.
—Period of abbreviation,
whether always supersedes other points.
Permanent propositions, to be expressed in the pres. tense.
Permitting, &c., verbs of, see Commanding.
Personal pronoun, defined.
—Personal pronouns,
simple, numb, and specificat. of:
—declension of:
—often used in
a reciprocal sense, ("Wash YOU,” &c.,).
—(See also It.)
—Personal pronouns,
compound, numb. and specificat. of. 298:
—explanat. and
declension of:
—CHURCH. account
—of the first and
second persons, placed before nouns to distinguish
their persons.
Personification, defined,
—MURR. definition
of, blamed,
—what constitutes
the purest kind of,
—change of the
gend. of inanimate objects by,
—whether it always
changes the gender of anteced. term,
—agreem. of pronouns
with their antecedents in cases of,
—Rule for capitals
in do.,
CHURCH, on the determination of gender in,
objects, names of, put in the second pers., and why,
—how pronouns agree
Persons, term defined,
named and defined,
—the distinction
of, on what founded,
—Persons, numbers,
&c., character of BROWN’S definitions of,
in gram., nature of; absurd teachings of some
—distinctions of,
in written lang.,
and number of a verb, what,
second and third, of a verb, distinctive formations
—do., in Lat.,
nouns of the second, in Eng., in how many ways can
—the third,
put with the pron. I, by vulgarism, ("THINKS
I to
—the first, place
whether the imperat. mood may have three,
—connected antecedents
of different, agreem. of pron. with,
—connected nominatives
of different, agreem. of verb with,
Perspicuity, as a quality of style, in what
—is essential in
composition; BLAIR quoted,
—the excellence
—Precepts aiming
at offences against,