The Grammar of English Grammars eBook

Goold Brown
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,149 pages of information about The Grammar of English Grammars.

The Grammar of English Grammars eBook

Goold Brown
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,149 pages of information about The Grammar of English Grammars.

Bible, the Holy, application of the name
    —­what is shown by Italics in the text of
    —­quotations in, how indicated
    —­abrupt transitions in
    —­its general accuracy of lang.
    —­in the lang. of, ye and you, in what constructions not found

Bid, as commanding, or as promising, its construction with the infin.

Blair, Dr., unjustly censures Addison’s frequent use of that, as a relative

Blank verse, as distinguished from rhyme

Blunders, as readily copied, as originated, by makers of school-books
    —­literary, Crit.  N. concerning

Bombast, as opposed to purity, PREC. against Books, mentioned by name, rule for capitals

Both, as conjunc., corresponding to and
    —­as adj.
    —­derivation of, acc. to DR. MURR.

Brace, its purpose

Breve, or stenotone, for what used

Brevity of expression, sought in the ordinary business of life

Brokenness, or hitching, as a fault of style, PREC. censuring

But, save, as well as, construc. of two nouns connected by
    —­But, how has acquired the signif. of only
    —­in ambiguous construc. ("There cannot be BUT one,” &c., KAMES)
    —­as used for that, contrary to its import
    —­derivation of, from Sax.
    —­But and save, whether they ever govern the obj. case as
    —­Cannot but, construc. and signif. of
    —­Not but, to what equivalent, and the class of but


C, name and plur. numb. of
    —­sounds of
    —­where silent
    —­with cedilla placed under (c)
    —­written for a number
    —­Ch, sounds of
    —­Arch, sound of, before a vowel, and before a conson.
    —­Ck, final, for double c

Cadence, explained
    —­faulty, precept against, by RIPP. 
    —­MURR. direction concerning

Cadmus, carried the Phoenician alphabet into Greece

Caesura, signif. and application of
    —­Caesural or divisional pause; demi-caesuras, or minor rests;
      (see Pauses)

Can, verb, varied
    —­derivation and signif. of
    —­Can not and cannot, with what distinction used
    —­Cannot, with a verb of avoiding, or with BUT
    —­Can, could, would, as principal verbs, by poet. use

Capital letters, capitals, for what used; how marked for the printer, in
    —­what things are exhibited wholly in,
    —­Rules for the use of,
    —­use of, in comp. prop, names,
    —­lavish use of, its effect,
    —­discrepancies with respect to, abound in books.

Project Gutenberg
The Grammar of English Grammars from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.