England, and so Scott lost his wager.”—Byron
cor. “In fact, there exist such resemblances.”—Kames
cor. “To him give all the prophets
witness.”—Acts, x, 43.
“That there were so many witnesses and
actors.”—Addison cor. “How
do this man’s definitions stand affected?”—Collier
cor. “Whence come all the powers and
prerogatives of rational beings?”—Id.
“Nor do the scriptures cited by thee prove
thy intent.”—Barclay cor. “Nor
does the scripture cited by thee prove the
contrary.”—Id. “Why then
citest thou a scripture which is so plain and
clear for it?”—Id. “But
what say the Scriptures as to respect of persons
among Christians?”—Id. “But
in the mind of man, while in the savage state, there
seem to be hardly any ideas but what enter by
the senses;”—Robertson cor.
“What sounds has each of the vowels?”—Griscom
cor. “Out of this have grown up aristocracies,
monarchies, despotisms, tyrannies.”—Brownson
cor. “And there were taken up, of
fragments that remained to them, twelve baskets.”—Bible
cor. “There seem to be but two general
classes.”—Day cor. “Hence
arise the six forms of expressing time.”—Id.
“There seem to be no other words required.”—Chandler
cor. “If there are two, the second
increment is the syllable next to the last.”—Bullions
cor. “Hence arise the following advantages.”—Id.
“There are no data by which it can be estimated.”—Calhoun
cor. “To this class, belongs the Chinese
language, in which we have nothing but naked primitives.”—Fowler
cor. [[Fist] “Nothing but naked roots”
is faulty; because no word is a root, except
some derivative spring from it.”—G.
B.] “There were several other grotesque
figures that presented themselves.”—Spect.
cor. “In these consists that sovereign
good which ancient sages so much extol.”—Percival
cor. “Here come those I have done
good to against my will.”—Shak.
cor. “Where there are more than one
auxiliary.” Or: “Where there
are more auxiliaries than one.”—O.
B. Peirce cor.
“On me to cast those eyes
where shines nobility.”
“Here are half-pence
in plenty, for one you’ll have twenty.”
“Ah, Jockey, ill advisest
thou. I wis,
To think of songs at such
a time as this.”