Copy the following MIXED EXAMPLES, and insert the points which they require.
To whom can riches give repute
or trust
Content or pleasure but the
good and just Pope
To him no high no low no great
no small
He fills he bounds connects
and equals all Id
Reasons whole pleasure all
the joys of sense
Lie in three words health
peace and competence Id
Not so for once indulged they
sweep the main
Deaf to the call or hearing
hear in vain Anon
Say will the falcon stooping
from above
Smit with her varying plumage
spare the dove Pope
Throw Egypts by and offer
in its stead
Offer the crown on Berenices
head Id
Falsely luxurious will not
man awake
And springing from the bed
of sloth enjoy
The cool the fragrant and
the silent hour Thomson
Yet thus it is nor otherwise
can be
So far from aught romantic
what I sing Young
Thyself first know then love
a self there is
Of virtue fond that kindles
at her charms Id
How far that little candle
throws his beams
So shines a good deed in a
naughty world Shakspeare
You have too much respect
upon the world
They lose it that do buy it
with much care Id
How many things by season
seasoned are
To their right praise and
true perfection Id