The World of Ice eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 288 pages of information about The World of Ice.

The World of Ice eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 288 pages of information about The World of Ice.
in the melee on the forecastle in order to meet such an emergency as this.  Rushing to the rescue with his party, he drove the pirates back into the boat, which was immediately pulled towards the bow, where the other two boats were now grappling and discharging their crews on the forecastle.  Although the men of the West Indiaman fought with desperate courage, they could not stand before the increasing numbers of pirates who now crowded the fore part of the ship in a dense mass.  Gradually they were beaten back, and at length were brought to bay on the quarter-deck.

“Help, father!” cried Fred, pushing through the struggling crowd, “here’s the carronade ready loaded.”

“Ha! boy, well done!” cried the captain, seizing the gun, and, with the help of Buzzby, who never left his side, dragging it forward.  “Clear the way, lads!”

In a moment the little cannon was pointed to the centre of the mass of men, and fired.  One awful shriek of agony rose above the din of the fight, as a wide gap was cut through the crowd; but this only seemed to render the survivors more furious.  With a savage yell they charged the quarter-deck, but were hurled back again and again by the captain and a few chosen men who stood around him.  At length one of the pirates, who had been all along conspicuous for his strength and daring, stepped deliberately up, and pointing a pistol at the captain’s breast, fired.  Captain Ellice fell, and at the same moment a ball laid the pirate low; another charge was made; Fred rushed forward to protect his father, but was thrown down and trodden under foot in the rush, and in two minutes more the ship was in possession of the pirates.

Being filled with rage at the opposition they had met with, these villains proceeded, as they said, to make short work of the crew, while several of them sprang into the cabin, where they discovered Mrs. Ellice almost dead with terror.  Dragging her violently on deck, they were about to cast her into the sea, when Buzzby, who stood with his hands bound, suddenly burst his bonds and sprang towards her.  A blow from the butt of a pistol, however, stretched him insensible on the deck.

“Where is my husband? my boy?” screamed Mrs. Ellice wildly.

“They’ve gone before you, or they’ll soon follow,” said a savage fiercely, as he raised her in his powerful arms and hurled her overboard.  A loud shriek was followed by a heavy plunge.  At the same moment two of the men raised the captain, intending to throw him overboard also, when a loud boom arrested their attention, and a cannon-shot ploughed up the sea close in front of their bows.

Project Gutenberg
The World of Ice from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.