The World of Ice eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 288 pages of information about The World of Ice.

The World of Ice eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 288 pages of information about The World of Ice.

“She’s bringing a breeze along with her,” remarked the captain, “but I fear the boats will come up before it reaches us.  There are three in the water and manned already.  There they come.  Now, then, call up all hands.”

In a few seconds the crew of the West Indiaman were at their stations ready for action, and Captain Ellice, with Fred at his elbow, stood beside one of the stern-chasers.  Meanwhile, the boats of the pirate, five in number, pulled away in different directions, evidently with the intention of attacking the ship at different points.  They were full of men armed to the teeth.  While they rowed towards the ship the schooner resumed its fire, and one ball cut away the spanker-boom and slightly wounded two of the men with splinters.  The guns of the ship were now brought to bear on the boats, but without effect, although the shot plunged into the water all round them.  As they drew nearer a brisk fire of musketry was opened on them, and the occasional falling of an oar and confusion on board showed that the shots told.  The pirates replied vigorously, but without effect, as the men of the ship were sheltered by the bulwarks.

“Pass the word to load and reserve fire,” said the captain; “and hand me a musket, Fred. Load again as fast as I fire.”  So saying, the captain took aim and fired at the steersman of the largest boat, which pulled towards the stern.  “Another, Fred—­”

At this moment a withering volley was poured upon the boat, and a savage yell of agony followed, while the rowers who remained unhurt paused for an instant as if paralyzed.  Next instant they recovered, and another stroke would have brought them almost alongside, when Captain Ellice pointed the little carronade and fired.  There was a terrific crash; the gun recoiled violently to the other side of the deck; and the pirate boat sank, leaving the sea covered with dead and wounded men.  A number, however, who seemed to bear charmed lives, seized their cutlasses with their teeth, and swam boldly for the ship.  This incident, unfortunately, attracted too much of the attention of the crew, and ere they could prevent it another boat reached the bow of the ship, the crew of which sprang up the side like cats, formed on the forecastle, and poured a volley upon the men.

“Follow me, lads!” shouted the captain, as he sprang forward like a tiger.  The first man he reached fell by a ball from his pistol; in another moment the opposing parties met in a hand-to-hand conflict.  Meanwhile Fred, having been deeply impressed with the effect of the shot from the little carronade, succeeded in raising and reloading it.  He had scarcely accomplished this when one of the boats reached the larboard quarter, and two of the men sprang up the side.  Fred observed them, and felled the first with a handspike before he reached the deck; but the pirate who instantly followed would have killed him had he not been observed by the second mate, who had prevented several of the men from joining

Project Gutenberg
The World of Ice from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.