The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 413 pages of information about The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3.

The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 413 pages of information about The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3.

Increasing trials of the exiled Queen—­Her property is seized on the frontier—­She determines to conciliate the Cardinal—­Richelieu remains implacable—­Far-reaching ambition of the minister—­Weakness of Louis XIII—­Insidious arguments of Richelieu—­Marie de Medicis is again urged to abandon her adherents—­Cowardly policy of Monsieur—­He signs a treaty with Spain—­The Queen-mother refuses to join in the conspiracy—­Puylaurens induces Monsieur to accept the proffered terms of Richelieu—­He escapes secretly from Brussels—–­Gaston pledges himself to the King to “love the Cardinal “—­Gaston again refuses to repudiate his wife—­Puylaurens obtains the hand of a relative of the minister and becomes Duc de Puylaurens—­Monsieur retires to Blois.



Richelieu resolves to accomplish the disgrace of Puylaurens—­Gaston proceeds to Paris during the Carnival, and his favourite is arrested in the Louvre-He is conveyed to Vincennes, where he dies—­The Queen-mother and Madame take up their abode at Antwerp—­Marie de Medicis solicits the protection of the Pope—­Her letter is coldly received—­She is accused by Richelieu of favouring the Spanish cause—­She endeavours to dissuade Louis XIII from a war with Spain, and her arguments are haughtily repulsed—­Her envoy is ordered to quit the capital—­The Queen-mother once more appeals to the Sovereign-Pontiff, who declines to excite against himself the enmity of the Cardinal-Minister—­Louis XIII pursues the war with Spain—­Monsieur and the Comte de Soissons enter into a conspiracy to assassinate Richelieu—­The Queen-mother joins the faction—­The plot is betrayed—­Gaston returns to his allegiance—­Marie de Medicis induces the Comte de Soissons to enter into a treaty with Spain—­The intrigue is discovered by the Cardinal—­The Queen-mother once more solicits an asylum in England—­Charles I. accedes to her request, and endeavours to effect her reconciliation with the French King—­Richelieu determines Louis to reply by a refusal—­Monsieur abandons his wife, who becomes dependent for her support upon the Spanish Government—­Insignificance of Gaston—­The Duchess of Savoy endeavours to effect the recall of her royal mother to France—­The three Churchmen—­Pregnancy of Anne of Austria—­Renewed hopes of the Queen-mother—­She is again urged to reside in Tuscany—­She proceeds to Holland, and is magnificently received—­The Prince of Orange intercedes in her behalf with the French King—­Richelieu reiterates his wish that she should retire to Florence—­The Dutch request her to leave the country—­Marie de Medicis embarks for England—­She is received at Gravesend by Charles I.—­Takes up her abode in St. James’s Palace—­Meeting between the two Queens—­Precarious position of the English King—­The Court of the Queen-mother—­The French Ambassador is instructed to abstain from all intercourse with the royal exile—­A last appeal—–­Obduracy of the Cardinal—­Richelieu, his sovereign, and his benefactress.

Project Gutenberg
The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.