Monsieur returns to Flanders—The Queen-mother retires in displeasure to Malines—Influence of Chanteloupe—Selfishness of Monsieur—Death of Gustavus Adolphus—Richelieu seeks to withdraw the Queen-mother and her son from the protection of Spain—Marie is urged to retire to Florence—The Tuscan envoy—Two diplomatists—Mortification of the Queen-mother—She desires to seek an asylum in England—Charles I. hesitates to grant her request—Helpless position of Marie de Medicis-The iron rule of Richelieu—The Cardinal-dramatist—Gaston avows his marriage to the King—Louis enters Lorraine, and takes Nancy-Madame escapes to the Low Countries—Her reception at the Court of Brussels—Marie de Medicis takes up her residence at Ghent—Serious indisposition of the Queen-mother—She solicits the attendance of her physician Vautier, and is refused—Hypocrisy of the Cardinal—Indignation of the dying Queen—She rejects the terms of reconciliation offered by the King—Attachment of her adherents—Richelieu negotiates the return of Gaston to France—The favourite of Monsieur—Gaston refuses to annul his marriage—Alfeston is broken on the wheel for attempting the life of the Cardinal—The Queen-mother is accused of instigating the murder—The bodyguard of the Cardinal-Minister is increased—Estrangement of Monsieur and his mother—Madame endeavours to effect the dismissal of Puylaurens—Insolence of the favourite—Heartlessness of Monsieur—Marie solicits permission to return to France—She is commanded as a condition to abandon her followers, and refuses—Death of the Archduchess Isabella—Gaston negotiates, and consents to the most humiliating concessions.