M. de Mayenne to remove Marie de Medicis from the
keeping of the Due d’Epernon—Discontent
of the citizens—Louis XIII enters into
a negotiation with his mother—She rejects
his conditions—Richelieu offers himself
as a mediator, and is accepted—The royal
forces march on Angouleme—Marie prepares
for resistance—The Princes withdraw from
her cause—Schomberg proposes to blow up
the powder-magazine at Angouleme—Critical
position of the Queen-mother—She appeals
to the Protestants, but is repulsed—Schomberg
takes up arms against the Due d’Epernon—Alarm
of Marie de Medicis—Richelieu proceeds
to Angouleme—He regains the confidence of
the Queen—Successful intrigue of Richelieu—Marie
is deserted by several of her friends—A
treaty of peace is concluded between the King and his
mother—The envoy of Marie incurs the displeasure
of Louis XIII—The malcontents rally round
the Queen-mother—The Princes of Piedmont
visit Marie at Angouleme—Their reception—Magnificence
of the Due d’Epernon—The Queen-mother
refuses to quit Angouleme—Ambition of Richelieu—Weakness
of Marie de Medicis—Father Joseph endeavours
to induce the Queen-mother to return to the Court—She
is encouraged in her refusal by Richelieu—The
rival Queens—Marie leaves Angouleme—Her
parting with the Due d’Epernon—She
is received at Poitiers by the Cardinal de Retz and
the Due de Luynes—The Prince de Conde offers
the hand of his sister Eleonore de Bourbon to the
brother of De Luynes as the price of his liberation—–The
sword of the Prince is restored to him—Duplicity
of the favourite—Marie resolves to return
to Angouleme, but is dissuaded by her friends—The
Duc de Mayenne espouses the cause of the Queen-mother—A
royal meeting—Return of the Court to Tours—Marie
proceeds to Chinon, and thence to Angers—The
Protestants welcome the Queen-mother to Anjou—Alarm
of De Luynes—Liberation of the Prince de
Conde—Indignation of Marie de Medicis—Policy
of Richelieu—De Luynes solicits the return
of the Queen-mother to the capital—She refuses
to comply—De Luynes is made Governor of
Picardy—His brothers are ennobled.
The Duc d’Epernon, to whom had been confided
the important task of effecting the escape of the
Queen-mother from her fortress-prison, had discussed
all the necessary measures with the Abbe Rucellai,
who had, as we have stated, acquired his entire confidence;
and his first step was to request permission of the
King to leave Metz (where he had been ordered to remain
for the purpose of watching the movements in Germany),
and to proceed to Angouleme. But as he was aware
that this permission would be refused, he did not
await a reply, and commenced his journey on the 22nd
of January (1619), accompanied by a hundred gentlemen
well armed, forty guards, and his personal attendants;
taking with him the sum of eight thousand pistoles
together with the whole of his jewels. In consequence
of the amount of his baggage he was not enabled to
travel more than ten leagues each day; but as no impediment
presented itself, he arrived safely at Confolens in
Poitou, where he was joined by his son the Archbishop
of Toulouse, who was awaiting him in that city with
the principal nobles of his several governments.[24]