[67] Henri II, Duc de Longueville, was still a mere youth, having been born in 1595. Appointed plenipotentiary at the Congress of Muenster in 1648, as well as Governor of Normandy, he threw himself into the party of the Fronde, on the pretext of mortification at being refused the government of Havre, but in reality in compliance with the entreaties of his wife. As the result of this concession he, in 1650, shared the imprisonment of the Princes de Conde and de Conti; but having recovered his liberty during the following year, he renounced all partisanship, and died peaceably in 1663.
[68] Fines paid for the commutation of offences.
[69] Instruction de M. de Schomberg, Comte de Monteuil, conseillier du Roi en son conseil d’etat, lieutenant-general de sa Majeste es pays de Limosin, haute et basse Marche, pour son voyage d’Allemagne, 1617. Pieces Justificatives; signed by Richelieu.
[70] Lorenzo Balthazar de Figueroa y Cordova, Duque de Feria, who in 1618 was appointed Governor of the Milanese.
[71] Mezeray, vol. xi. p. 17. Richelieu, Hist. de la Mere et du Fils, vol. xi. pp. 106, 107. D’Estrees, Mem. p. 379.
[72] Dreux du Radier, vol. vi. pp. 105-107.
A temporary calm—Louis XIII—Marie de Medicis purchases the Marquisate of Ancre for Concini—Rapid rise of his fortunes—His profusion—He intrigues to create dissension among the Princes of the Blood—His personal endowments—The Duc de Bouillon endeavours to induce M. de Conde to revolt—He fails—He disposes of his office at Court to the Marquis d’Ancre—Marie de Medicis continues the public edifices commenced and projected by Henri IV—Zeal of the Duc de Mayenne—Cupidity of the Court—M. de Conde and his advisers—The Prince and the Minister—Forebodings of Sully—He determines to resign office—His unpopularity—The Regent refuses to accept his resignation—The war in Germany—The Regent resolves to despatch an army to Cleves—The Duc de Bouillon demands the command of the troops—Is refused by the Council—Retires in disgust to Sedan—The command is conferred on the Marechal de la Chatre—A bootless campaign—The French troops return home—New dissensions at Court—The Duc d’Epernon becomes the declared enemy of the Protestants—Apprehensions of the reformed party—Quarrel of Sully and Villeroy—The Regent endeavours to effect a reconciliation with the Prince de Conti—Princely wages—M. de Conti returns to Court—The Princes of the Blood attend the Parliament—The Marquis d’Ancre is admitted to the State Council—Sully and Bouillon retire from the capital—Sully resolves to withdraw from the Government, but is again induced to retain office—The King and Pere Cotton—The Court leave Paris for Rheims—Coronation of Louis XIII—His public entry into the capital—The Prince de Conde and the Comte de Soissons are reconciled—Quarrel between