The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II eBook

William James Stillman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II.

The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II eBook

William James Stillman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II.
Roman Catholic Church
  and the public schools
character and influence of, in Italy
  residences in
description of
civil and political condition
immorality in
the Catholic Church
Pius IX.
abolition of American legation at
Rosebery, Lady Rosebery, Lord
  in Rome
attitude of his government toward Italy
Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
  Stillman’s intercourse with and judgment of
Rossetti, Maria Rossetti, Mrs. Gabriele Rossetti, William, English correspondent of The Crayon
  Stillman’s later intercourse with
Rossetti family, Stillman’s intercourse with Rousseau, Théodore, Stillman’s meeting with, at Barbizon
  his work compared with Turner’s
Rowse, S.W.
  his portrait of Emerson
remark about Ruskin
Rudiní, Marquis di, Italian statesman
  his action in regard to murder of Italian prisoners in New Orleans
fall of his ministry
brief mentions
Ruggles, Dr. Edward, artist Ruskin, John
  Stillman’s first meeting with
further intercourse
summer in Switzerland with
Ruskin, Mrs. John Russia
  coöperates in Montenegrin affairs
declares war against Turkey
the campaign
unites with France in creating difficulties for Italy in Abyssinia
Russian influence
  in Cretan affairs
in Herzegovina
in Europe generally
Russians, characteristics of the

  Sabbatarians. See Seventh-Day Baptists. 
  Sabbath, the
  St. Augustine, Fla. 
  St. Martin
  Salisbury, Lord
    orders withdrawal from negotiations with Italy in reference to
      occupation of Kassala
    acknowledges Crispi’s services to the cause of European peace
    renews compact with Italy and Austria
    vacillation of
  Sandwith, T. Humphrey, English consul at Crete
  Sapunzaki, General Saracco, Sig., Italian Minister of Public Works,
  Saturday Club
    Stillman’s first attendance at
    Emerson as a member of
    Judge Hoar as a member of
  Sauer, Mr., correspondent of the New York Herald at Vienna
  Saville, Lord, of Burford
  Savoy, annexation of
  Schahin Pasha
    commercial importance of, in early part of the 19th century
    Stillman’s early life and education in
  Schmidt, Madam, a German refugee
  Scotch Cameronians in Princeton, N.Y. 
  Scott, General Winfield, urges peaceful separation of North and South
  Scott, Mrs. Winfield, dies in Rome
  Scribner’s Monthly, Stillman’s connection with
  Sectarian persecution, freedom from, in Rhode Island
  Seemann, Dr.
  Selim Pasha
  Server Effendi
    negotiations with Montenegro
    revolt against Turkey
  Seventh-Day Baptists
  Severn, Arthur
  Seward, William H.
    his relations with Dr. Nott
    his influence in New York

Project Gutenberg
The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.