The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II eBook

William James Stillman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II.

The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II eBook

William James Stillman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II.

  Ode to Happiness
  Ogle, Mr., Times correspondent, killed by Turkish troops
  Omar Pasha
    succeeds Mustapha Kiritly in Crete
    his campaign
    his recall
  On the Track of Ulysses
  Orzovensky, Dr.
  Osman Pasha
    convent of
    fighting near
  Owen, Richard
  Owen, Robert Dale

  Page, William, portrait painter,
    contributes to The Crayon
  Paget, Admiral Lord Clarence
  Paget, H.M., accompanies Stillman “on the track of Ulysses”
  Pall Mall Gazette,
    Stillman contributes to
    is dropped from
  Palmerston, Lord
  Paris, visits to
  Parnell case, Stillman’s search for evidence connected with
  Parrot, a pet
  Parthenios Kelaides, in the Cretan insurrection
  Pashley, Robert
  Paul Smith’s Hotel
  Pavlovich, Peko,
    commands Montenegrin troops in Herzegovinian insurrection,
  Peirce, Professor Benjamin
  Petropoulaki, Grecian officer in Crete
  Petrovich, “Bozo” (Bozidar)
  Phi Beta Kappa Society
  Phoenix Park murders
  Photiades Pasha, Turkish minister at Athens
    governor of Crete
  Photographs of Athenian views, taken by Stillman
  Pictures from Appledore, first part appears in The Crayon
  Pierce, Franklin
  Pigeons, immense flocks of
  Pigott, Mr., his connection with the Parnell case
  Piperski Celia, convent of
  Pius IX. 
  Plainfield, N.J. 
  Plamenaz, Montenegrin minister of war
  Poe, Edgar A., Stillman meets at Church’s studio
  Pope, the, office of
  Post, Mr., artist
  Preveli, convent of
  Princeton, N.Y. 
  Prinsep, Valentine C., visits Stillman
  Protestant chapel in Rome
  Protracted meetings. See Revival meetings
  Psyche, English dispatch boat, at Crete
  Public School Society in New York
  Pulzsky, Franz, Kossuth’s colleague
  Puritans, rigor of their rule in Massachusetts
  Putnam, G.P. 
  Pym, commander of the Assurance
  Pyne, J.B.
    his work as a painter
    influence on Stillman

  Quarantine in the Levant

Rachel, the actress Ragusa, affairs in and about during the Herzegovinian insurrection Rain Dream, A, first published in The Crayon Randall, Alexander W. Raouf Pasha Raquette River Rarey, John S., impostor using his name Red Cross Society Regnault, Henri Reid, Whitelaw Reinhart, Benjamin F. Reschid Effendi Retimo, Stillman’s trip to Revival meetings “Rhode Island and Providence Plantations” Ricotti, General, Italian minister Rieka Riforma, La, Crispi’s journal Ritchie, Anne Thackeray Robertsbridge, residence at Robilant, General, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Rodich, Baron, governor of Dalmatia Rogers, Mr., ex-officer of the English army Rogers, Randolph Roman Campagna
Project Gutenberg
The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.