The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II eBook

William James Stillman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II.

The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II eBook

William James Stillman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II.

  Echo, English paper, prints letter from Stillman
  Edhem Pasha
  Edmonds, Judge
  Edmunds, Senator
  Elliott, Sir Henry, English ambassador at Crete
  Emerson, Edward W.
  Emerson, R.W.,
    his estimate of Alcott
    Stillman’s first meeting with
    his relations with Longfellow
    excursion with the Adirondack Club
    visits Stillman in England
    influence on Stillman
    first visit to
    second visit
    her attitude during the American Civil War
    later visits and residences in
  English church in Rome
  Enneochoria, valley of
  Ennosis, blockade runner
  Ense, Varnhagen von
  Epirus, invasion of
  Erie Canal
  Eshref Pasha
  Estee, Elder
  Evans, Mr., archaeologist
  Evening Post, The
  Evolution, theory of
  Eyoub Pasha

Fable for Critics Father’s influence in forming character of children Fenian organization Festus, Bailey’s Fielding, Copley First Snow-Fall, The Fish, Hamilton, urges Stillman’s dismissal from Crete Fleming, Colonel, of Florida Florence Florida, Stillman’s trip to Fogg, George G., American minister at Berne Follansbee Pond. See, also, Adirondack Club.  Forbes, Archibald Forbes, J.M., gives Stillman a commission for a picture France, relations with Italy Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria “Franco, Harry” (pseudonym). See Briggs, C.F.  Freeborn, Mr., English banker and friend of Stillman Freeman, Professor Edward A Freemasons in Rome Froude, James Anthony, Stillman’s friendship for Fuller, George, Stillman’s companion on voyage to England

  Gallenga, Mr., Rome correspondent of the Times
  Garibaldi, Giuseppe
  Garrick, the ship
  Garrison, William Lloyd
  Geissler Pasha, German officer, in Crete
  General-Admiral, Russian frigate at Crete
  Geneva, Stillman’s visit to
  “Geodesy,” nickname of a professor at Union College
  George, King of Greece, his character
    his weakness of action and unpopularity
    calls Tricoupi to form a ministry
  Gérôme, the artist
  Gettysburg, battle of
  Ghost at Chamounix
  Gibson, John
  Gifford, S.R., artist
  Gilder, Richard Watson
  Giolitti, Sig., Italian minister
  Girtin, Thomas, artist
  Gladstone, W.E., his satisfaction with himself
    Beaconsfield’s banter of
    Stillman’s intercourse with
    Mr. Walter’s dislike of
  Goldsborough, Rear-Admiral
  “Good Americans, when they die ...,”
  Görgey, Arthur, treason of
  Gosdanovich, Montenegrin interpreter and traveling companion of
  Gray, Judge
  Gray, Asa
  Gray, H.P., artist
  Greece, political affairs in
  Greek Church, influence of
  Greeley, Horace, opposes coercion of the South
  Greene, Colonel W.B. 
  Greene, Mr., English consul at Scutari
  Greenleaf, Dora
  Greenough, Horatio, contributes to The Crayon
  Griffiths, Mr., London picture dealer

Project Gutenberg
The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.