A., Miss, spiritualistic medium
A’ali Pasha
Abyssinia, Italians in
Adams, Charles Francis, minister to England
during the Civil War
Adirondack Club
Adirondacks, life in the
Adirondacs, The, poem by Emerson
Adowah, defeat at, the decisive event
in the decline of Italy
circumstances which led to
After the Burial
Agassiz, Louis
is pleased with one of Stillman’s
first meets Stillman
makes excursion with the Adirondack
his scientific work
personal character
brief mentions of
Agios Rumeli
Aiguille de Varens
Alabama, the Confederate cruiser
Albania, Stillman’s travels in
Albanians, character and customs of
intellectual capacity
Albert, Prince, his attitude towards the
United States in the Civil War
Alcott, A. Bronson
Aldrich, T.B., contributes to The Crayon
Ali Saib Pasha
Alps, See Switzerland.
American Archaeological Institute, Stillman
undertakes expedition for
American Art Union
“American Pre-Raphaelite,”
Stillman so called
Ames, Mr., Stillman’s companion
on voyage to England
Ampersand Pond
Anakim, procession of the
Anti-rent war in New York
Antonelli, Cardinal, character of
Appleton, Thomas Gold, contributes to
The Crayon
his character
Appleton, William H.
Arethusa, English frigate, at Crete
Arkadi, convent of
Arkadi, the blockade runner
Armenian massacres, action of England
and Italy in regard to
Armitage, Mr., fellow art-student with
Art in America in Stillman’s youth
Art instruction in France and England
Art Union of New York buys a picture by
Arthur, Chester A., school and college
friend of Stillman
Associateship of Design, Stillman elected
to, 140.
Assurance, English vessel, at Crete
Atlantic, the steamer, 139.
Auf Wiedersehen
Bacevich, Maxime
Backwoods experiences. See Adirondacks,
life in the.
Bailey, Philip James
Baldissera, General, appointed to command
of Italian forces in Africa
Ball, Daniel
Banovich, Mitrofan
Baptists, Seventh-Day. See Seventh-Day
Baratieri, General, commanding Italian
forces in Africa
Barbieux, French officer in Herzegovina
Baring, Sir Evelyn
Barnum, P.T.
Basil, St., Herzegovinian bishop
Bath, Marquis of
Beaconsfield, Lord, his Aylesbury speech
comment on Montenegrin affairs
discussed by Stillman and
Beaulieu, M. Le Hardy de, Stillman’s
meeting with
Beaver Brook
Bed of Ferns, Stillman’s
Buskin’s criticism of,