Fire-Tongue eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Fire-Tongue.

Fire-Tongue eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Fire-Tongue.

Of the weird impressiveness of the scene there could be no doubt.  It even touched some unfamiliar chord in the soul of Nicol Brinn.  The effect of such an interview upon an imaginative, highly strung temperament, could be well imagined.  It was perhaps theatrical, but that by such means great ends had already been achieved he knew to his cost.

The introduction of Maskelyne illusions into an English country house must ordinarily have touched his sense of humour, but knowing something of the invisible presence in which he stood in that darkened chamber, there was no laughter in the heart of Nicol Brinn, but rather an unfamiliar coldness, the nearest approach to fear of which this steel-nerved man was capable.

“Temporarily,” the sweet voice continued, “you will be affiliated with the London Lodge, to whom you will look for instructions.  These will reach you almost immediately.  There is great work to be done in England.  It has been decided, however, that you shall be transferred as quickly as possible in our New York Lodge.  You will await orders.  Only Fire is eternal.”

Again the voice ceased.  But, Nicol Brinn remained silent: 

“Your reply is awaited.”

“Fire is life,” replied Nicol Brinn.

The blue tongue of flame subsided, lower and lower, and finally disappeared, so that the apartment became enwrapped in absolute darkness.  A faint rustling sound suggested that a heavy curtain had been lowered, and almost immediately the doors behind Nicol Brinn were opened again by Rama Dass.

“We congratulate you, brother,” he said, extending his hand.  “Yet the ordeal was no light one, for all the force of the Fire was focussed upon you.”

Nicol Brinn reentered the room where the shaded lamp stood upon the writing table.  In the past he had moved unscathed through peril unknown to the ordinary man.  He was well acquainted with the resources of the organization whose agents, unseen, surrounded him in that remote country house, but that their pretensions were extravagant his present immunity would seem to prove.

If the speaker with the strangely arresting voice were indeed that Fire-Tongue whose mere name was synonymous with dread in certain parts of the East, then Fire-Tongue was an impostor.  He who claimed to read the thoughts of all men had signally failed in the present instance, unless Nicol Brinn stared dully into the smiling face of Rama Dass.  Not yet must he congratulate himself.  Perhaps the Hindu’s smile concealed as much as the mask worn by Nicol Brinn.

“We congratulate you,” said Rama Dass.  “You are a worthy brother.”

He performed the secret salutation, which Nicol Brinn automatically acknowledged.  Then, without another word, Rama Dass led the way to the door.

Out into the dark hallway Nicol Brinn stepped, his muscles taut, his brain alert for instant action.  But no one offered to molest him.  He was assisted into his coat, and his hat was placed in his hands.  Then, the front door being opened, he saw the headlights of the waiting car shining on a pillar of the porch.

Project Gutenberg
Fire-Tongue from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.