Fire-Tongue eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Fire-Tongue.

Fire-Tongue eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Fire-Tongue.

He was savagely aware of a great mental disorderliness.  He recognized that his brain remained a mere whirlpool from which Phyllis Abingdon, the deceased Sir Charles, Nicol Brinn, and another, alternately arose to claim supremacy.  He clenched his teeth upon the mouthpiece of his pipe.

But after some time, although rebelliously, his thoughts began to marshal themselves in a certain definite formation.  And outstanding, alone, removed from the ordinary, almost from the real, was the bizarre personality of Ormuz Khan.

The data concerning the Oriental visitor, as supplied by Inspector Wessex, had led him to expect quite a different type of character.  Inured as Paul Harley was to surprise, his first sentiment as he had set eyes upon the man had been one of sheer amazement.

“Something of a dandy,” inadequately described the repellent sensuousness of this veritable potentate, who could contrive to invest a sitting room in a modern hotel with the atmosphere of a secret Eastern household.  To consider Ormuz Khan in connection with matters of international finance was wildly incongruous, while the manicurist incident indicated an inherent cruelty only possible in one of Oriental race.

In a mood of complete mental detachment Paul Harley found himself looking again into those black, inscrutable eyes and trying to analyze the elusive quality of their regard.  They were unlike any eyes that he had met with.  It were folly to count their possessor a negligible quantity.  Nevertheless, it was difficult, because of the fellow’s scented effeminacy, to believe that women could find him attractive.  But Harley, wise in worldly lore, perceived that the mystery surrounding Ormuz Khan must make a strong appeal to a certain type of female mind.  He was forced to admit that some women, indeed many, would be as clay in the hands of the man who possessed those long-lashed, magnetic eyes.

He thought of the pretty manicurist.  Mortification he had read in her white face, and pain; but no anger.  Yes, Ormuz Khan was dangerous.

In what respect was he dangerous?

“Phil Abingdon!” Harley whispered, and, in the act of breathing the name, laughed at his own folly.

In the name of reason, he mused, what could she find to interest her in a man of Ormuz Khan’s type?  He was prepared to learn that there was a mystic side to her personality—­a phase in her character which would be responsive to the outre and romantic.  But he was loath to admit that she could have any place in her affections for the scented devotee of hyacinths.

Thus, as always, his musings brought him back to the same point.  He suppressed a groan and, standing up, began to pace the room.  To and fro he walked, before the gleaming cabinet, and presently his expression underwent a subtle change.  His pipe had long since gone out, but he had failed to observe the fact.  His eyes had grown unusually bright—­and suddenly he stepped to the table and stooping made a note upon the little writing block.

Project Gutenberg
Fire-Tongue from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.