On thy sweet mouth distill’d their golden dew,
’Twas that such vulgar miracles
Heaven had not leisure to renew:
For all thy blest fraternity of love
Solemnized there thy birth, and kept thy holiday above.
O gracious God! how far have
Profaned thy heavenly gift of Poesy!
Made prostitute and profligate the Muse,
Debased to each obscene and impious use,
Whose harmony was first ordain’d
For tongues of angels, and for hymns of
O wretched we! why were we hurried down
This lubrique and adulterate
(Nay added fat pollutions of our own,)
To increase the streaming ordures of the
What can we say to excuse our second fall?
Let this thy vestal, Heaven, atone for
Her Arethusian stream remains unsoil’d,
Unmix’d with foreign filth, and
Her wit was more than man, her innocence
a child.
Art she had none, yet wanted
For nature did that want supply:
So rich in treasures of her
She might our boasted stores
Such noble vigour did her verse adorn,
That it seem’d borrow’d where
’twas only born.
Her morals too were in her bosom bred.
By great examples daily fed,
What in the best of books, her father’s
life, she read:
And to be read herself she need not fear;
Each test, and every light, her Muse will
Though Epictetus with his lamp were there.
Even love (for love sometimes her Muse
Was but a lambent flame which play’d
about her breast:
Light as the vapours of a morning dream,
So cold herself, whilst she such warmth
’Twas Cupid bathing in Diana’s
Born to the spacious empire of the Nine,
One would have thought she should have
been content
To manage well that mighty government;
But what can young ambitious souls confine?
To the next realm she stretch’d
her sway,
For Painture near adjoining
A plenteous province, and alluring prey.
A Chamber of Dependencies
was framed,
(As conquerors will never want pretence,
When arm’d, to justify
the offence)
And the whole fief, in right of poetry,
she claim’d.
The country open lay without defence:
For poets frequent inroads there had made,
And perfectly could represent
The shape, the face, with
every lineament,
And all the large domains which the Dumb
Sister sway’d;
All bow’d beneath her
Received in triumph wheresoe’er
she went.
Her pencil drew whate’er her soul
And oft the happy draft surpass’d
the image in her mind.
The sylvan scenes of herds
and flocks,
And fruitful plains and barren
Of shallow brooks that flow’d