25 322
Composed at Midnight 26 323
Poems at the End of John Woodvil, 1802:—
Helen. By Mary Lamb 28 323
Ballad. From the German 29 324
Hypochondriacus 29 324
A Ballad Noting the Difference of Rich and Poor 30 324
Poems in Charles Lamb’s Works, 1818, not Previously
Printed in the Present Volume:—
Hester 32 325
Dialogue Between a Mother and Child. By Mary Lamb 33 325
A Farewell to Tobacco 34 325
To T.L.H. 38 326
Salome. By Mary Lamb 39 —–
Lines Suggested by a Picture of Two Females by
Lionardo da Vinci. By Mary Lamb 41 327
Lines on the Same Picture being Removed. By Mary Lamb 41 327
Lines on the Celebrated Picture by Lionardo da Vinci,
called “The Virgin of the Rocks” 42 327
On the Same. By Mary Lamb 42 327
To Miss Kelly 43 328
On the Sight of Swans in Kensington Garden 43 328
The Family Name 44 328
To John Lamb, Esq 44 329
To Martin Charles Burney, Esq 45 329
Album Verses, 1830:—
Album Verses:—
In the Album of a Clergyman’s Lady 46 332
In the Autograph Book of Mrs. Sergeant W—— 46 332
In the Album of Lucy Barton 47 332
In the Album of Miss —— 48 332
In the Album of a very Young Lady 48 332
In the Album of a French Teacher 49 332
In the Album of Miss Daubeny 49 333
In the Album of Mrs. Jane Towers 50 333
In My Own Album 50 333
Angel Help 51 333
The Christening 52 333
On an Infant Dying as Soon as Born 53 333
To Bernard Barton 55 334
The Young Catechist 56 334
She is Going 57 335
To a Young Friend 57 335
To the Same 58 335
Harmony in Unlikeness 58 336
Written at Cambridge 59 336
Composed at Midnight 26 323
Poems at the End of John Woodvil, 1802:—
Helen. By Mary Lamb 28 323
Ballad. From the German 29 324
Hypochondriacus 29 324
A Ballad Noting the Difference of Rich and Poor 30 324
Poems in Charles Lamb’s Works, 1818, not Previously
Printed in the Present Volume:—
Hester 32 325
Dialogue Between a Mother and Child. By Mary Lamb 33 325
A Farewell to Tobacco 34 325
To T.L.H. 38 326
Salome. By Mary Lamb 39 —–
Lines Suggested by a Picture of Two Females by
Lionardo da Vinci. By Mary Lamb 41 327
Lines on the Same Picture being Removed. By Mary Lamb 41 327
Lines on the Celebrated Picture by Lionardo da Vinci,
called “The Virgin of the Rocks” 42 327
On the Same. By Mary Lamb 42 327
To Miss Kelly 43 328
On the Sight of Swans in Kensington Garden 43 328
The Family Name 44 328
To John Lamb, Esq 44 329
To Martin Charles Burney, Esq 45 329
Album Verses, 1830:—
Album Verses:—
In the Album of a Clergyman’s Lady 46 332
In the Autograph Book of Mrs. Sergeant W—— 46 332
In the Album of Lucy Barton 47 332
In the Album of Miss —— 48 332
In the Album of a very Young Lady 48 332
In the Album of a French Teacher 49 332
In the Album of Miss Daubeny 49 333
In the Album of Mrs. Jane Towers 50 333
In My Own Album 50 333
Angel Help 51 333
The Christening 52 333
On an Infant Dying as Soon as Born 53 333
To Bernard Barton 55 334
The Young Catechist 56 334
She is Going 57 335
To a Young Friend 57 335
To the Same 58 335
Harmony in Unlikeness 58 336
Written at Cambridge 59 336