Mr. Punch's History of the Great War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 266 pages of information about Mr. Punch's History of the Great War.

Mr. Punch's History of the Great War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 266 pages of information about Mr. Punch's History of the Great War.
  Robinson, Lieutenant, brings down Zeppelin,
  Roosevelt, Mr., invents new invective,
  Roumania joins Allies,
  Royal Family, British, fine example of,
  Royal Flying Corps,
    Great losses of,
  Running amok,
  Rupprecht, Crown Prince, entertains journalists,
    Army retreats,
    Bolshevist coup d’etat.
    Bolshevist regime stained with massacres,
    Dark hour of,
    Debacle in,
    End of Tsardom
    Ex-Tsar and family shot,
  Russia (contd.)
    Provisional Government dissolved
    Recovering herself
    Republic proclaimed
  Russian Army said to have passed through England

  Saint-Quentin recaptured by Allies
  St. James’s Park, lake in, drained
  St. Mihiel salient flattened out by Americans
    Allies land at
    Triumphant advance by Allies on
  Saluting abolished in Russian Army
  Sands run out, the
  San Gabriele, Italian success at
  Santa Klaus, Punch welcomes
  Scapa Flow, German Fleet surrenders at
    Germans scuttle their warships at
  Scarborough bombarded
  Scott, Admiral Percy
    Expert adviser to Lord French
  Scrapper scrapped, the
  Sedan, American Army reaches
    Austrians and Germans invade
    Liberation of
    Domestic, problem
    Officer’s description of
  Sevastopol, Germans reach
  Shaw, Mr. Bernard
    Colossal arch-super-egotist
    Visits Front
  Shirkers’ War News
  Shortt, Mr., appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland
  Siegfried line
  Sinn Fein
    Creed of
    Plays at war
  Smart people, callousness of
  Smith-Dorrien, General, at Le Cateau
  Smuts, General, commands in East Africa
  Soissons, Germans capture
  Soldier and civilian
  Soldiers, British
    Cannot imitate Hun
    Ordeal on Western Front
    Tribute to
  Solid, xiv
  Some bird
    Battle of the, commences
    Guns heard in England
    Results of Battle of the
  “Song of Plenty”
  South-West Africa
    German, gives in to Allies
    Germans poison wells in
  Spanish influenza
  Speaker of House of Commons re-elected
  Spee, Admiral von, goes down with his squadron
  Spies, German
  Spurlos versenkt
  Spy-hunting in East Anglia
  Spy play, emergence of
  Storm driven
  Strain on the affections
  Strauss, Herr, does not sign German artists’ manifesto
  Study of Prussian household having its Morning Hate
  Sturdee, Admiral
  Submarine frightfulness, the new, commences
  Submarines, British, in the Baltic
  Submarines, German
    Grimsby’s fight against

Project Gutenberg
Mr. Punch's History of the Great War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.