Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

    “And He can do all this for me,
    Because in sorrow, on the tree,
      He once for sinners hung;
    And, having washed their sin away,
    He now rejoices, day by day,
      To cleanse His little one.”

10.  Tenth Day.

Made Beautiful.

   “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.”—­Ps. xc. 17.

“How great is His beauty!” said Zechariah.  How can His beauty be upon us?  In two ways; try to understand them, and then ask that in both ways the beauty of the Lord our God may be upon you.

One way is by His covering you with the robe of Jesus Christ’s righteousness, looking upon you not as you are in yourself, all sinful and unholy, but as if all the Saviour’s beautiful and holy life were yours, reckoning it to you for His sake.  In this way He can call us “perfect through my comeliness which I had put upon thee.”  The other way is by giving you the beauty of holiness, for that is His own beauty; and though we never can be quite like Him till we see Him as He is, He can begin to make us like Him even now.  Look at a poor little colorless drop of water, hanging weakly on a blade of grass.  It is not beautiful at all; why should you stop to look at it?  Stay till the sun has risen, and now look.  It is sparkling like a diamond; and if you look at it from another side, it will be glowing like a ruby, and presently gleaming like an emerald.  The poor little drop has become one of the brightest and loveliest things you ever saw.  But is it its own brightness and beauty?  No; if it slipped down to the ground out of the sunshine, it would be only a poor little dirty drop of water.  So, if the Sun of Righteousness, the glorious and lovely Saviour, shines upon you, a little ray of His own brightness and beauty will be seen upon you.  Sometimes we can see by the happy light on a face that the Sun is shining there; but if the Sun is really shining, there are sure to be some of the beautiful rays of holiness, love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, making the life even of a little child very lovely.

    “Jesus, Lord, I come to Thee,
      Thou hast said I may;
    Tell me what my life should be,
      Take my sins away.

    “Jesus, Lord, I learn of Thee,
      In Thy word divine;
    Every promise there I see,
      May I call it mine!”

11.  Eleventh Day.

Pleasant Gifts.

   “Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.”—­I Tim. vi. 17.

Think a little this morning of God’s great kindness to you.  How very good He is to you!  I know one of His dear children who looks up many, many times a day, and says, “Good Lord Jesus!” or “Kind Lord Jesus!” She does not set herself to say it, but it seems as if she could not help saying it, just because He is so good and kind.  And then it seems only natural to look up again and say, “Dear Lord Jesus!”

Project Gutenberg
Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.