Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

And God has put it all on His account and the account has been paid, paid in blood.  When “the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all,” Jesus saw and knew all your sins; and He said, “Put that on mine account.”

Oh, what wonderful “kindness and love of God our Saviour!” Let the remembrance of it be like a silver bell, ringing softly and clearly whenever you are going to do, or letting yourself feel or think, something that is not right.  “Put that on mine account!” Yes, that sin that you were on the very edge of committing! that angry word, and the angry feeling that makes you want to say it; that untrue word, and the cowardliness which makes you afraid to speak the exact truth; that proud look and the naughty pride of heart that made it come into your eyes; Jesus stands by and says, patiently and lovingly, “Put that on mine account!”

Can you bear that? does it not make you wish, ten times more than ever, to be kept from sinning against such a Saviour?

    “Jesus, tender Saviour,
      Hast Thou died for me? 
    Make me very thankful
      In my heart to Thee;
    When the sad, sad story
      Of Thy grief I read,
    Make me very sorry
      For my sins indeed.”

9.  Ninth Day.

White Garments.

   “Let thy garments be always white.”—­Eccles. ix. 8.

“Always?” Oh, how can that be?  They are soiled again directly after they have been washed clean!  Yet God says, “Let them be always white;” and He would not tell you to do what was impossible.  Then how are you to help soiling them?  Only in one way.  Last night’s “little pillow” told you how Jesus washes us “whiter than snow” in His own precious blood, that cleanseth from all sin.  But will He only cleanse His little one just for the moment? is that all He is able and willing to do for you?

No; if you will only keep on trusting to that precious blood, and not turn away from it, He says that it cleanseth, that is, goes on cleansing.  You could not keep your garments white for five minutes; careless thoughts would come like dust upon them, and wrong words would make great dark stains and before long some naughty deed would be like a sad fall in the mud, and you would feel sad and ashamed before the kind Saviour who still stands ready to cleanse you again.  But why should all this happen over and over again, till anybody but our own loving, long-suffering Saviour would be tired of us, and give up doing any more for us?  Why should it be, when His precious blood is meant to “go on cleansing,” so that our garments may be always white?  Perhaps you never thought of this; ask Him now this morning not only to wash you in the fountain of His precious blood, but to keep you in it, to go on cleansing you all day long. Trust Him to do this, and see if it is not the happiest day you ever spent!

Project Gutenberg
Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.