Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

Perhaps you never thought that any one around you had any!  Then if you want to fulfill this law of Christ, the first thing will be to find out who has any burdens, and which of them you could bear instead.  You will not have to watch long!  There are very few without any.  Little backs can not bear great burdens, but sometimes those who have great burdens have little ones too, and it makes such a difference if some loving little hand will take one or two of these.  If your mother was carrying a great heavy parcel, would it not help her if you took two or three little ones out of her hand and carried them for her?  So perhaps she has troubles that you do not even know about, and you see she looks tired and anxious.  And it tires her a little more, because a little brother or sister wants to be nursed or amused.  Now if you put your own affairs by, and call the little ones away, and amuse them quietly so that mamma may not be disturbed, this is bearing one of her burdens.  Never mind if it is really a little burden to you too; is it not worth it, when it is fulfilling the law of Christ?  If for a moment a burden that you have taken up does seem rather hard, and you are tempted to drop it again, think of what the Lord Jesus bore for you!  Think how He took up the heaviest burden of all for you, when He “His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree!” He did not drop that burden, but bore it till He died under it.  Think of that, and it will be easy then to bear something for His sake.

Now be on the watch all to-day for little burdens to bear for others.  See how many you can find out, and pick up, and carry away!  Depend upon it, you will not only make it a brighter day for others, but for yourself too!

    “Little deeds of kindness,
      Little words of love,
    Make our earth an Eden,
      Like the heaven above.”

5.  Fifth Day.


   “Yield .... your members as instruments of righteousness unto
   God.”—­Rom. vi. 13.

This does not sound so easy and tuneful as most of your other “morning bells,” you think!  But listen for a few minutes and you will hear the music.

What are your members?  Hands, feet, lips, eyes, ears, and so on.  What are you to do with them?  “Yield” them, that is, give them up altogether, hand them over to God.

What for?  That He may use them as instruments of righteousness.  That is, just as we should take an instrument of music, to make music with it, so He may take your hands and feet and all your members, and use them to do right and good things with.

If a little one gives himself or herself to God, every part of that little body is to be God’s little servant, a little instrument for Him to use.

The little hands will no longer serve Satan by striking or pinching; the little feet will not kick or stamp, nor drag and dawdle, when they ought to run briskly on some errand; the little lips will not pout; the little tongue will not move to say a naughty thing.  All the little members will leave off serving Satan, and find something to do for God; for if you “yield” them to God, He will really take them and use them.

Project Gutenberg
Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.