Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

    “It is but very little
      For Him that I can do,
    Then let me seek to serve Him,
      My earthly journey through;
    And, without sigh or murmur,
      To do His holy will;
    And in my daily duties
      His wise commands fulfill.”

22.  Twenty-second Day.

Working for Jesus.

   “Ye have done it unto me.”  “Ye did it not to me.”—­Matt. xxv., xl., and

Our Lord Jesus Christ has given us opportunities of showing whether we love Him or not.  He tells us that what we try to do for any one who is poor, or hungry, or sick, or a lonely stranger, is just the same as doing it to Him.  And when the King says, “Come, ye blessed,” He will remember these little things, and will say, “Ye have done it unto me.”  But He tells us that if we do nothing for them, it is just the same as if He were standing there and we would do nothing for Him.  And He will say, “Ye did it not to me.”

One of these two words will be spoken to you in the great day when you see the King on the throne of His glory.  Which shall it be?  What are you doing for Jesus?  Are you doing anything at all for Him?  Perhaps you say, “I have no opportunity.”  Did you ever try to find one?  Did you ever ask Him to give you opportunities of doing something for Him?  Or is it only that you have never yet cared or tried to do anything for Him?  Be honest about it.  He knows.  And He will forgive.

But now, what is to be done?  Begin by asking Him to show you.  And then keep a bright, sharp look-out, and see if you can not find an opportunity very soon (and perhaps many) of doing something kind for His sake to some poor or sick or lonely one.  Set to work to think what you could do!

It seems to me so very kind of the Lord Jesus to have told us this.  For He knew that those who really love Him would want to do something for Him, and what could we do for the King of glory in His glorious heaven?  So it was wonderfully thoughtful of Him to give us His poor people to care for, and to say, if we have only been kind to a sick old woman or hungry little child, “Ye have done it unto me!”

    “I love my precious Saviour
      Because He died for me;
    And if I did not serve Him,
      How sinful I should be! 
    God help me to be useful
      In all I do or say! 
    I mean to work for Jesus,
      The Bible says I may!”

23.  Twenty-third Day.


   “Thou hast given a banner to them that fear Thee.”—­Ps. lx. 4.

Then what is your banner, and what are you doing with it?  For if you are among “them that fear” God, He has given you a banner “that it may be displayed.”  Is yours furled up and put away in a corner, so that nobody sees it or knows of it?  Or are you trying to be a brave little standard-bearer of Jesus Christ, carrying His flag, so that the sweet breezes of His Spirit may lift its bright folds, and show its golden motto?  That motto, I think, is “Love.”  For we are told that His banner over us is love.  Are you displaying it, showing your love to Him by your love to others? showing the power of His love over you by your sweet, happy temper, and by trying to please Him always?

Project Gutenberg
Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.