Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones.

What about your Egyptians?—­the angry tempers or sulky looks, the impatient words, the vain and foolish thoughts, the besetting sins that master you so often.  Have you tried so often to fight against them, and failed, that it seems almost no use, and you do not see how to conquer them or to escape them?  Are you very tired of fighting, and “sore afraid” of being always overcome just the same as ever?  Now hear God’s true, strong promise to you.  “The Lord shall fight for you!” “Will He really?” Yes, really, and He will conquer for you too, if you will only believe His Word and trust the battle to Him, and let Him fight for you.

How?  First, watch! and then the very instant you see the enemy coming, look up and say, “Come, Lord, and fight for me;” and keep on looking up and expecting Him to fight for you.  And you will find that He does fight for you and gives you the victory; and you too will be “saved that day,” and will see “the Egyptians dead upon the sea-shore.”  Try Him, and trust Him; and you, even you, will be “more than conqueror through Him that loved you.”

    “So, when you meet with trials,
      And know not what to do;
    Just cast the care on Jesus,
      And He will fight for you. 
    Gird on the heavenly armor
      Of faith, and hope, and love;
    And when the conflict’s ended,
      You’ll reign with Him above.”

17.  Seventeenth Day.

The Master’s Voice.

   “I will watch to see what He will say unto me.”—­Hab. ii. 1.

When the Lord Jesus said to Simon the Pharisee, “Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee;” he answered, “Master, say on!” When God was going to speak to Samuel, he said, “Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth.”  Has the Lord Jesus said anything like this for us?  He says, “I have yet many things to say unto you.”  What things?  They will be strong, helpful, life-giving words, for He says, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.”  They will be very loving words, for He says, “I will speak comfortably to her” (margin, “I will speak to her heart").  And they will be very kind and tender words, and spoken just at the right moment, for He says that He knows “how to speak a word in season to him that is weary.”  “Will He really speak to me?” says the little heart.  Yes, really, if you will only watch to see what He will say to you.  For it will be “a still, small voice,” and you will not hear it at all if you do not listen for it.  “How will He speak to me?” If I had something very nice to tell you, and instead of saying it out loud, I wrote it down on a piece of paper, and gave it you to look at, would not that be exactly the same as if I had told it you with my lips?  And you would take the paper eagerly to see what it was that I had to say to you.  So to-day, when you read your Bible, either alone or at your Bible-lesson, watch to see what Jesus will say to you in it.  You

Project Gutenberg
Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.