Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development.

Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development.

Exiles, families of

Experiments, psychometric

FACES seen in the fire, on wall paper, etc.,


Family likenesses; records; merit,
marks for

Fashion, changes of

Fasting, visions caused by;
fasting girls


Fellows of colleges

Fertility at different ages; is small
in highly-bred animals


First Cause, an enigma

Flame, sensitive, and high notes

Fleas are healthful stimuli to animals

Fluency of language and ideas

Forest clearing

Forms in which numerals are seen (see
Number-Forms); months; letters;

Foxes, preservation of

France, political persecution in

French, the, imaginative faculty of

Friends, the Society of (see Quakers)


Generations, length of and effect in population; in town and country populations

Generic images; theory of

Geometric series of test-objects; geometric mean

Gerard, Jules


Gibbon, amphitheatrical shows

Goethe and his visualised rose


Goodwin, Mr.

Grades, deficiency of in language;

Graham, Dr., on idiots (note)

GREGARIOUS AND SLAVISH INSTINCTS; gregariousness of cattle; gregarious animals quickly learn from one another

Gull, Sir W., on vigour of members of
large families; on medical life-histories

Guy’s Hospital Reports (consumptive


HAIR, colour of

Hall, Capt.

Hallucinations, cases of; origin of;
of great men

Handwriting; of twins

Hanwell Asylum, lunatics when at exercise

Hatherley, Lord
Haweis, Mrs.,
  words and faces;
Head measured for curve of growth
Hearne (N.  America)
Height, comparative, of present and past
Henslow, Rev. G.,
Heredity, the family tie;
  of colour blindness in Quakers;
  of criminality;
  of faculty of visualising;
  of seeing Number-Forms;
  of colour associations with sound;
  of seership;
  of enthusiasm;
  of character and its help in the teaching
  of children by their parents;
  that of a good stock is a valuable patrimony,
Hershon, Mr., the Talmud,
Hill, Rev. A.D.,
Hippocrates and snake symbol,
History of twins,
Holland, F.M.,
Hottentots, keenness of sight,
  (see Bushmen)
Human Nature, variety of,
Humanity of the future, power of present
  generation of men upon it,
Hutchinson, Mr.,
Huxley, Professor,
  on sucking pigs in New Guinea;
  generic images,

Project Gutenberg
Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.