Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development.

Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development.
| Scale Readings |  Corresponding |
| (one division  |  Number of     |
|  = 1/250       |  Vibrations    |
|  of an inch).  |  per Second    |
|      10        |      84,000    |
|      15        |      56,000    |
|      20        |      42,000    |
|      25        |      33,600    |
|      30        |      28,000    |
|      35        |      24,000    |
|      40        |      21,000    |
|      45        |      28,666    |
|      50        |      16,800    |
|      55        |      15,273    |
|      60        |      14,000    |
|      65        |      12,923    |
|      70        |      12,000    |
|      75        |      11,200    |
|      80        |      10,500    |
|      85        |       9,882    |
|      90        |       9,333    |
|      95        |       8,842    |
|     100        |       8,400    |
|     105        |       8,000    |
|     110        |       7,591    |
|     115        |       7,305    |
|     120        |       7,000    |
|     125        |       6,720    |
|     130        |       6,461    |

[Footnote 28:  Mr. Hawksley, surgical instrument maker 307 Oxford Street also makes these.]

The largest whistles suitable for experiments on the human ear, have an inner tube of about 0.16 inches in diameter, which is equal to 40 units of the scale.  Consequently in these instruments the theory of closed pipes ceases to be trustworthy when the depth of the whistle is less than about 60 units.  In short, we cannot be sure of sounding with them a higher note than one of 14,000 vibrations to the second, unless we use tubes of still smaller bore.  In some of my experiments I was driven to use very fine tubes indeed, not wider than those little glass tubes that hold the smallest leads for Mordan’s pencils.  I have tried without much success to produce a note that should be both shrill and powerful, and correspond to a battery of small whistles, by flattening a piece of brass tube, and passing another sheet of brass up it, and thus forming a whistle the whole width of the sheet, but of very small diameter from front to back.  It made a powerful note, but not a very pure one.  I also constructed an annular whistle by means of three cylinders, one sliding within the other two, and graduated as before.

When the limits of audibility are approached, the sound becomes much fainter, and when that limit is reached, the sound usually gives place to a peculiar sensation, which is not sound but more like dizziness, and which some persons experience to a high degree.  Young people hear shriller sounds than older people, and I am told there is a proverb in Dorsetshire, that no agricultural labourer who is more than forty years old, can hear a bat squeak.  The power of hearing shrill notes has nothing to do with sharpness of hearing, any more than a wide range of the key-board of a piano has to do with the sound of the individual strings. 

Project Gutenberg
Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.