The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

It is noticeable that the prophet Elisha, whose prayers God heard in the multiplication of the twenty loaves during the dearth at Gilgal, was made Elijah’s successor when following his twelve yoke of oxen at the plough in the field, diligently using means to obtain bread, and undoubtedly communing with God all the while and recognizing the evidences of his love and power in every upturned daisy as he ploughed the sod, and in every seed that he dropped into the fertile earth, and thought it grand to be a fellow worker with God in the husbandry of the earth and not one to be fed in idleness, neglecting the toil appointed to man, and losing the blessing that is promised in the word of God, in the discipline and the knowledge of God in the operations of His laws, that comes in a greater or less degree to all of earth’s honest toilers.

It is the opinion of many of God’s children that as the present dispensation draws to its close, there will be among the spiritually minded and consecrated ones of the church, a reproduction of the gifts of Pentecost for a last testimony to the world before Christ comes in glory.  There is much Scripture that might be quoted to sustain this opinion.  God grant in His grace and mercy that it may be so.  But neither the church or the world have any claim upon God for it.  The church has abused grace and the world has despised mercy.  All the promises as to miracles wrought for a testimony as to the truth of Christ’s resurrection, have been fulfilled.  If Christ were to come to-day, the world would be without excuse in having rejected him, and could not plead that signs and wonders had been abundantly wrought in His name in the establishing of His church upon the earth.

The question of our Lord in Luke xviii., 8, “When the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth?” suggests to many minds that there may not be vouchsafed during the time immediately preceding his manifestations, any marked interference by God in the way of miracles or signs among his children, but that their faith in Him as the unseen God, and their trust in the truth and verify of His word, will be brought forth to the praise and glory of God and their joy, by their being left to the word alone and the operations of the Holy Ghost by and through the word for their comfort and stability in the faith.

Coupled with this thought let it ever be borne in mind by the believer that the testimony of God’s word as to miracles, signs and wonders wrought by Satanic agency in the church, during the last day, is clear and unmistakable, and warnings abound as to our danger from them.

“The Spirit saith expressly that in later times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” 1 Tim. iv., 1.

“But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come.”  “Evil men and impostors shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2 Tim. iii., 1 and 13.

Project Gutenberg
The Wonders of Prayer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.